Fly me to the moon 6…sounds Greek to me!
01/07/2018 - 31/12/2018

Fly me to the Moonfor the sixth consecutive year ​"travels" ​the visitors of the Athens International Airport all over Greece​.​ Starting off from the beauty of our country, the renewed program of the Fly me to the Moon invites passengers and visitors of the Airport, to discover Greek destinations,​​ to taste local dishes, to learn about the history and the culture of each place​,​ to live a unique experience and even to …perform traditional dances before their flight.​ The purpose of the new Fly me to the moon 6 is to promote natural beauties, cultural specificitiesgastronomycustomstraditions and the contemporary image of the promoted destinations.

The programme of the Fly me to the Moon 6 events includes:

  • July 2018 - Central Greece
  • September 2018 - Chania
  • October 2018 - Epirus
  • December 2018 - North Greece