Page 23 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 23 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 23
Annual Report 2015

Cargo uplift

Domestic / International Cargo Uplift 2015 - 2014

Tonnes 2015 2014

Regarding various market segments second best figure since the airport’s year was abruptly interrupted during
of the cargo market, a noteworthy opening. Moreover, although Greece is the months of July and August (-24.6%
development includes the double- a major importing country, for the first and -13.9% respectively) resulting in
digit growth of Greek exports by time the balance between the inbound a moderate uptick of total volumes
12.7%. Under very difficult economic and the outbound international (+1.2%) at year-end. Finally, concerning
conditions and for a second year in segment has reversed (52% outbound mail volumes, both domestic and
a row international outbound freight versus 48% inbound freight). In the international uplift contracted resulting
volumes continued to see a strong inbound sector, the upward trend in a decline of 7.1% compared to the
expansion reaching 33.727 tonnes, the recorded during the first half of the previous year.


Cargo In -6.0% Cargo Out

1,835 1,816 1.1% -7.9% 6,310 6,853
Freight Out
Freight In 5,362
4.8% 1,266 5,794 -7.5%

Mail In Mail Out 948
-6.2% 570 1,058 -10.4%

Cargo In International Cargo Out

Freight In 35,492 35,704 -0.6% 11.7% 36,839 32,966
1.2% Freight Out
31,474 33.719
31,105 29.918 12.7%

Mail In Mail Out
4,018 3,120
4,599 3,048 2.4% | 23
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