Page 45 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 45

2008 was a year with no major variations in In the context of our commitment to
continuously improving the services offered to
the airport’s service performance, as measured the travelling public, we place special emphasis
by the appropriate indices. Passport, ticketing on passenger comment management, analysing
and security queuing times remained stable passenger comments on a monthly basis and
compared to the previous year. In more detail, communicating relevant information to all
the average queuing time at departures parties involved. For 2008, we received 4,823
for passport control was measured at 2:45, comments from 2,738 passengers. Of the
showing a slight decrease in relation to 2007 total complaint items, 56.7% related to AIA,
(measured at 2:56). The annual average security and 43.3% to third parties. The smoking issue
screening queuing time (for passengers and ranked first on the list, whereas the negative
hand luggage) was measured at 1:54 min effect from the implementation of the EU
in comparison to 1:50 min for 2007, while security measures regarding liquids in hand
the percentage of queues exceeding 10 min luggage is narrowing down as a result of AIA’s
increased only slightly in comparison to 2007. relevant actions. In relation to third parties
The ticket desk queues were measured at 6:48 it seems that flight delays and information
min, showing no significant variation compared provision from airlines/handlers in cases of
to 2007 (6:29). operational disruption was the major source of
However, in regard to check-in queuing time passenger dissatisfaction.
an increase is noted, with the year average A total of 1,841 letters of response were
increasing by almost 1 min from 6:26 min in dispatched, 87.2% of which were customised.
2007 to 7:22 in 2008. This is also reflected in The average response time for the year 2008
the check-in distribution, which shows that was 24.9 days, below the 28-day target set in
queuing time between 0-5 minutes represented accordance to ACI guidelines. 188 complaint
55.2% of the measurements, as compared to cases required thorough investigation in
61.6% in 2007. The average time for delivering cooperation with the departments involved,
the first bag from the “on-blocks” position so as passengers to receive a properly justified
showed a moderate decrease from 15:00 to response.
14:16 minutes.
With regard to call centre performance, the
yearly statistics demonstrate that 98.47% of
the incoming calls were replied to within less
than 2 min. Information provision load at the
information desks amounted to 163 queries
per hour (including roaming agents) - the
busiest months being July and August, with 233
queries per hour.
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