Page 49 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 49

The demographic profile of passengers travelling as a reason for travelling showed a significant drop
through Athens International Airport remained in 2008, mostly formulated by a 4% decrease in
stable this year, with males at 56% of the the volume of incoming tourists. Nevertheless, the
population and the average age standing at 40 volume of Greek holidaymakers to international
years. The high education level is one of the main destinations increased considerably in 2008,
characteristics of Athens passengers, with seven reaching 2.3 million passengers (+5%), and
out of ten holding a college/university degree. providing a “cushion” for international traffic
Returning to the 2006 levels, Greeks once development. Following the latest trend of
more attained 49% of total traffic, in terms of customised travel, the vast majority of people on
both nationality and residence. In 2008, Greek vacation preferred to travel independently rather
residents presented a 2% increase, totalling to than with a group (91%).
approximately 8 million passengers. Almost half In regard to the ticket booking profile, more
of Greek inhabitants travelled to international and more passengers reserve their air tickets
destinations, presenting a considerable increase through the Internet every year. The penetration
of 7%. The trip length for Greek passengers was of e-booking increased from 27% in 2007, to
estimated at 11 days on average. 33% in 2008, signifying the passengers’ increased
Foreign residents accounted for 51% of total appreciation towards this valuable service offered
traffic. Excluding the first quarter of the by the majority of airlines nowadays. Although the
year, foreign residents presented a negative use of the Internet is higher for the international
development (-3%) compared to 2007. The destinations (37%), electronic bookings for the
majority of foreigners originated from Western domestic sector showed a significant increase year-
Europe, with approximately 3.9 million passengers, on- year, reaching 28% (from 21% in 2007).
and North America, with 1.3 million passengers. Since 2007, the Athens transfer passengers share
Despite the overall decrease in foreign passenger shows a slightly increasing trend, with the transfer
volume, foreigners travelling within Greece via product representing 24% of total traffic in 2008.
Athens International Airport showed a growth rate The proportion of transfer passengers gained one
of 2%, amounting to 1.5 million. Foreign residents percentage point in 2008, mostly due to the rise of
stayed approximately 17 days in Greece, spending “international to international” transfer movement
almost 5 days in Athens. (from 15% to 16% within transfer). Domestic to
Overall, business traffic demonstrated a growth international and vice versa movement of Athens
rate of 4%, reaching 5.4 million passengers. transfer passengers has been stabilised at 70%
More specifically, the incoming business passenger during the last two years. Thessaloniki gained the
volume followed an upward path resulting in a top ranking position among passengers travelling
considerable rise of 5%. A business traffic increase to domestic destinations via Athens, followed
was obvious for the majority of the geographical by the two Cretan destinations - Heraklion and
regions, with Asia/Pacific and the Middle East Chania. Among transfer passengers to/from
exhibiting the highest percentage growth by international destinations, Italy ranked first, with
14% and 11% respectively. The main reason for the United Kingdom recording a dynamic course
business travel was to attend a meeting (58%), from fifth position in 2007 to third in 2008.
followed by conferences/congresses (13%). The airport’s indirect passenger traffic to
Focusing on leisure traffic, almost 7 out of 10 international destinations showed a small
passengers travelled for personal reasons through decline of three percentage points. The volume
Athens International Airport. On the international of indirect traffic from Athens to/from Europe
sector, the share of leisure passengers among remained at a similar level with the previous year
Greek travellers was 62%, while the respective at 1.1 million passengers, and Barcelona ranking
percentage amongst foreigners was much higher first within Europe, with 52,700 passengers. The
at 72%. The penetration of leisure foreigners decrease was more prominent among passengers
travelling to domestic destinations was at 82%, travelling to/from North America (-18%) due to
appearing 10 percentage points higher versus the increased direct services.
international destinations, while Greeks travelling However the volume of 595,000 passengers
within Greece for leisure held a 59% share. flying indirectly to USA and Canada still represents
Typically, the leisure market consists mainly of 52% of the total North American market. Asia/
holidaymakers (67%) and passengers flying in Pacific indirect passengers remained stable at
order to visit friends and relatives (25%). Tourism 450,000, mostly due to Australia’s noteworthy
increase of 9% with 128,000 passengers.
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