Page 27 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 27

In 2008, despite the considerable decline (-4%) the last two months of the year volumes
in worldwide cargo traffic, the total cargo plummeted by 17.2%.
volume handled through the airport showed
an increase of 2.7%, reaching 122,196 tonnes • The four integrators (DHL-European Air
and posting a new uplift record since the Transport, FedEx Express, TNT and UPS)
airport’s opening. April, in particular, was the transported 25.6% of the total international
month exhibiting the highest monthly cargo freight volumes (26.7% in 2007) losing market
traffic ever (over 11,000 tonnes). share to either other cargo aircraft or road
feeder services (trucks).
Cargo growth is mainly attributed to market
development during the first ten months of • International mail experienced an upsurge of
the year (primarily the further increased traffic 5.9%.
of perishables) as well as to the shift of sea to
air traffic due to the industrial actions at the • Ten airlines carried almost 73% of the total
Port of Piraeus throughout the year. international traffic. The top-ten list is headed
by OA, also comprising the following carriers:
Notwithstanding the above, at yearend the DHL-European Air Transport, Lufthansa, UPS,
economic downturn was also evident in the Emirates, British Airways, Aegean Airlines,
Greek airfreight market. During November Thai Airways, TNT, and Delta. The carriers
and December a decline of 10.4% and 10.0% DHL-European Air Transport, UPS and TNT
respectively was noticed, albeit below the operated only cargo flights.
industry average decrease of 13.5% in
November, and 22.6% in December. Total domestic freight and mail traffic
(representing 18% of the market) amounted
Total uplift of freight (90% of the market) to 22,232 tonnes, remaining at last year’s level
increased by 2.7%, while total uplift of mail (+ 0.8%). In particular:
(10% of the market) increased by 2.9%.
Finally, total cargo carried on freighter aircraft • Domestic freight grew by 1.8% with inbound
retained a 28% share of the total market. freight surging by 7.8% and outbound freight
posting a modest 1.1% increase.
Total international freight and mail traffic
(accounting for 82% of the market) amounted • Domestic mail experienced a drop for the
to 99,963 tonnes, presenting a 3.1% increase first time since the airport’s opening. Especially
compared to 2007. In particular: the inbound sector declined sharply by 24.7%
falling back to the 2003 levels. The outbound
• International freight showed a 2.9% rise volumes, on the other hand, improved by 4.3%.
with both inbound and outbound freight
presenting increases of 2.8% and 3.0% • Five carriers shared the domestic traffic,
respectively. Nevertheless, with international three of which operating cargo flights only:
traffic being more dependent on the global Aeroland, Swiftair Hellas and Airgo Airlines,
financial situation, it is interesting to note a new Greek cargo airline that launched
that, although outbound freight demonstrated operations in September, although mainly
considerable average growth of 8% during featuring international flights. Olympic Airlines
the first eight months of the year, reflecting and Aegean Airlines remained the leaders of
the cargo community’s development efforts, the particular market operating only passenger
it could not help being influenced by the aircraft.
worldwide economic crisis, experiencing an
average drop of 6% since September. Likewise,
the growth rate of the inbound freight during
the first ten months reached 7%, while in
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