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its CR Policy and established a contemporary 3-level CR governance structure. This empowers the development and
continuous update of the corporate sustainability strategy based on materiality analysis, the further progression of CR
reporting and the coordination of strategy implementation across the company.

• Operational Responsibility: AIA ensures that the Airport Safety Management System is kept up to date and all
involved parties are adequately prepared to respond. Aviation safety and crisis preparedness involve the entire airport
community and are attained through information management and safety awareness. The 2011 programme included
emergency exercises, training sessions and workshops as well as additional safety campaigns and awareness activities.

AIA complies with national and international laws and applies guidelines and best practices, in order to provide the
highest level of security services. This was confirmed during the 2011 audits by HCAA, EU security inspectors and
the US Transportation Security Administration. In compliance with new EU security regulation, all of the beneficiary
airport suppliers were certified, eliminating the need for additional security measures upon supplies’ entry to airport
security restricted areas.

AIA’s operational responsibility refers also to the upgrade of the existing systems in order to enhance airport
operations while reducing energy consumption. In 2011, we proceeded with energy-efficient improvements on the
cooling, ventilation and lighting systems of airport buildings.

Within the context of providing a pleasant and efficient airport environment, our 2011 Airport Shopping Centre plan
included activities for the enhancement of the overall ambience, aesthetics and product offer of the commercial areas.

• Corporate Citizenship: AIA works closely with local communities, engaging them in a constructive dialogue on issues
of common interest. One of the highlights of our Local Community Action Plan in 2011 was the design, construction
and delivery of a new 24,000 m2 park to its neighbours in the Spata-Artemis Municipality.

In celebration of 10 years of operational excellence, AIA ran an anniversary art and culture programme with the
participation of 16 cultural organisations, our partners in exhibitions and other cultural initiatives since airport opening.
Their exceptional positive response reinforced our commitment to offer a unique travel and cultural experience while
promoting our country’s cultural identity. A highlight for our 2011’s “Airport & Children” programme was the opening
of a new creative entertainment area, in collaboration with the association “The Smile of the Child”, continuing a
tradition that has welcomed more than 47,000 children since 2002. During 2011, more that 1,000 guests from schools
and other institutions were hosted as part of our visitor services. AIA continues to support children and other social
groups in need by contributing to various humanitarian activities.

• Environmental Responsibility: As of July 2011, the operation of AIA’s Photovoltaic (PV) Park contributes significantly
to the airport’s green profile by averting CO2 emissions of more than 12,000 tonnes annually. By demonstrating a
continuing reduction in carbon emissions, AIA managed to successfully renew its accreditation at Level 2 (Reduction)
of Airport Carbon Accreditation programme under ACI Europe. AIA’s carbon footprint dropped below 52,000 tonnes
of CO2 in 2011, bringing us closer to the target of -25% by 2020. This progress has been driven by AIA’s Climate Change
Corporate Action Plan, which marked its fourth year of implementation and included a number of new initiatives to
save energy and increase employee awareness.

The application of the “Polluter Pays” concept to waste management at the airport has helped incentivise recycling at
the source, which has risen remarkably from 3% in 2001 to more than 50% in 2011. The Noise Abatement Procedures
were updated in 2011 to include new measures for preferential runway use. In addition, AIA engaged both national
and foreign airlines with presentations on noise issues. AIA continues its support of the Vravrona Wetlands. In 2011,
a unique path for the visually impaired was inaugurated. As part of the environmental education program, more than
1,500 children and other interested parties visited Vravrona while additional funding was provided for maintenance
and bird monitoring.

• Employer’s Responsibility: AIA remains committed to the development of its employees as it is considered fundamental
to the company’s continued growth and success. The AIA Training Plan for 2011 involved 23.6 man-hours per participant,
while 97% attended at least one training session. As we seek that all our employees understand our values (accountability,
effectiveness, customer focus, respect and team spirit) and incorporate them into their daily activities and decision-

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 8 of 50
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