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Financial Statements

and manuals were further developed, while keeping increased communications with key stakeholders for emergency
situations. Other important related activities were the annual training of Athens Airport Firefighters in Manchester
Airport, the assistance provided by AIA to cooperating agencies and organizations in the development of their own
Emergency and Crisis Management Plans, regular communication with the Airport Hellenic Fire Corp and the Airport
Services Emergency Medical Care.

Airport Marketing & Pricing

Aeronautical pricing and the offer of complete developmental programmes for airlines, including incentives and
marketing support packages, constitute the cornerstone of AIA’s aeronautical development strategy. In the course of
2011, amid the adverse macroeconomic and industry conditions in Greece, AIA did not only continue to offer airline
support programmes, but introduced new initiatives, clearly demonstrating its active engagement in supporting its
airlines–partners during these critical times and in helping them reduce considerably their operating costs.

• In this context, AIA maintained all charges unchanged during 2011 without any inflationary adjustments. This freezing
of charges - for a third consecutive year- was complemented by the extension of the special seasonal support programme
“Passenger Seasonal Incentive” for the period November 2010 – May 2011, aiming at supporting carriers with an
increase in their passenger traffic to international. Moreover, centralized Infrastructure prices remained unchanged for
the fourth consecutive year, while the relevant centralized infrastructure incentive programme continued. The PRM
charge remained also unchanged for 2011 versus 2010.

• In addition, taking into consideration the intense political turmoil in the N. Africa region, AIA introduced supportive
schemes to assist carriers operating scheduled services out of Athens to the specific destinations in facing the severe
market distortions resulting from these geopolitical turbulences. In total, during 2011, 53 of our airline partners
benefited significantly by AIA’s developmental incentives & marketing support, with the total amount exceeding the
€6.5 million.

• The airline industry, in recognition of AIA’s consistent and dynamic support to the airlines developmental efforts
through its wide-scale and innovative marketing programme, despite the country’s economic problems and overall
traffic downturn, rewarded AIA in the course of 2011. More specifically, AIA was distinguished twice in the frame of
OAG-Routes Airport Marketing Awards, both for Europe, during the ’11 European Routes conference in Cagliari and
globally during the 16th World Route Development Forum, in Berlin.

• Despite the adverse conditions in the Athens aviation market and the country’s economy, AIA received in 2011 two
additional significant international distinctions for its successful business model and strong performance. The Institute
of Transport Management in the UK named AIA the title of “European Airport of the Year 2011” acknowledging
AIA’s high quality customer services and superior design, its awarded marketing programs, strong entrepreneurship
and corporate responsibility, while AIA has also been acknowledged as a Distinguished Honoree at the International
Business Awards in Abu Dhabi in the category “Company of the Year-Transportation”.

• AIA launched in November a significant initiative, the «athenspotlighted» programme, aiming to boost the
attractiveness of the city of Athens as a city break destination for foreign visitors. The programme promotes the
most interesting spots in Athens at discounted prices, attempting to uplift its image and attractiveness. Apart from
promoting the city, AIA through this programme, wishes to provide foreign visitors with the chance to make the
best possible use of their time in Athens and enjoy its unique and most interesting aspects. City breakers, who
represent 67% of the total foreign arrivals are taking advantage of the programme with the use of a unique “city-
card”, offered free of charge. Within almost two months (Nov’11-Jan’12), the total number of cards given out to
foreign visitors reached 14.000, while the participating companies, restaurants and cultural spots reached almost the
160 and constantly increases. With the card’s main advantages being that it is easy to get, free of charge and offers
a wide range of services and products, the «athenspotlighted» programme aspires to become one extra good reason
for travelers to choose Athens as their destination.


In 2011, addressing the prevailing unfavourable economic conditions of the Greek market and the reduced spending
capability of the Greek residents, the Airport Shopping Centre’s annual plan focused on activities related to promoting

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 5 of 50
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