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07. Future Prospects

For next year, adverse developments relating to the the low season. Additionally, a set of temporary, targeted
Greek macroeconomic crisis will continue to be the Incentives will also complement the existing Incentives’
dominant issue affecting AIA’s traffic performance. Scheme in an effort to defend, at the extent possible,
In 2012, Greece’s GDP is expected to be negative for a traffic levels and ensure the sustainability of operations of
fourth consecutive year. Within this critical environment, the existing carriers. In relation to commercial activities,
we expect that in 2012 AIA will face a further reduction we will do our best to protect existing contracts and
in traffic demand. The recovery of European and global terms without endangering the sustainability of tenants
air travel is not expected to counterbalance the impact and concessionaires.
from reduced demand by Greek travellers, from the
tarnished image of the country impacting incoming Finally, AIA expects that discussions for the extension of
tourism demand, or from the sharp decline in business- the concession period with the Greek State will continue
related travel. Also, taking into account the moderate in 2012, with the intention to reach terms that will be
capacity reductions of the airlines, the Airport Company agreeable to all parties. Such an agreement will add
projects an annual passenger throughput of 14.1 million significant value for all involved stakeholders.
for 2012, corresponding to estimated operating revenues
of €316 million. With the Greek economy in the midst of a debt
and financial crisis, the Company has demonstrated
In order to mitigate the effects of this demand-driven financial stability and healthy results. Although the
decline, the Airport Company will continue to make declining market trends are taking their toll on our
efforts for cost containment for a fourth year in a row, financial performance, we continue to be a company
while safeguarding critical operations, airport safety with outstanding performance not only among Greek
and security and maintaining the high quality of services companies, but also topping the major European airports
provided. in terms of financial results, operating performance
and quality of services. Our shareholders should remain
At the same time, the company aims at further enriching confident that with all parties continuing to support
its airline incentives programme with a Special Winter the foundations upon which this PPP endeavour was
Incentive in order to assist airlines in increasing the rate developed, AIA will continue to generate positive value
of low fares, thus, stimulating air travel demand during and surpass expectations in the difficult times ahead.

34 Annual report
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