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Risk Management

• AIA has implemented a Risk Management (RM) process aiming at developing governance practices, which
are in line with international principles and regulations. Furthermore, in order to obtain the relevant value
with international principles and regulations. Furthermore, in order to obtain the relevant value adding
benefits, the company is completing the process of intergration of RM with the business unit structure and
the Value Based Management (VBM) model. In 007, the RM process reached a significant level of maturity,
having established a clear link between risk and value (both financial and non-financial), integrating Risk
Reporting in our quarterly reporting processes and establishing concrete risk ownership and accountability
of management actions.

New Chief Executive Officer

• On April 6th, 007, Dr. Ioannis Paraschis became the Chief Executive Officer of Athens International
Airport S.A.. Following a successful career in international management consulting, Dr. Paraschis joined
“Athens International Airport S.A.” shortly after its establishment in 1996, and had an instrumental role
in the development of the company’s strategy and its business and commercial success as Deputy CEO.
Dr. Paraschis succeeded in office Mr. Alfred van der Meer, who retired after a successful tenure in the
position of CEO since October 00.

3. Corporate Responsibility

Athens International Airport is committed to sustainable value creation for all stakeholders, acknowledging its
role as a responsible company. In the context of sound Corporate Governance, the Airport Company operates
in compliance with the obligatory framework and beyond, incorporating moral, social, and environmental
aspects. The year 007 was highlighted by significant developments for AIA’s Corporate Responsibility,
as the Airport Company ranked 4th among the 100 largest Greek companies within the framework of
the AccountabilityTM Rating Greece benchmarking survey, which evaluates the Corporate Responsibility
disclosures versus criteria relating to Strategy, Management Systems and Stakeholder Engagement.

Responsible Airport Operator

• The Airport Company continued in 007 to play a leading role in the development of a “one community”
culture to ensure efficient operation and business success. The Safety Management System, which
applies to the whole airport community, is a clear evidence of this culture. Furthermore, we implemented
continuous improvements to our facilities in order to offer the optimum experience to travellers and
airport users. During the challenging days of the Champions League Final, the intensive cooperation
with all parties and the contribution of our volunteers were the capstones that ensured the success of
the handling of this special event.

Corporate Citizenship

• Within the context of AIA’s commitment to its role as an active partner to the local and greater society,
AIA enhanced in 007 its corporate citizenship programmes. In that respect, we continued our regular
communication with local state authorities, associations, corporate bodies, and implemented our annual
corporate local communities action plan, which included infrastructure projects, services, financial &
material support responding to expressed community needs. Special focus was placed on actions relating
to the environment, education, athletics, and local culture. In addition, we hosted and promoted various
events and exhibitions relating to our country’s cultural heritage and contemporary art. We continued
our on-going support to non-profit organizations for the benefit of children and other society groups
in need, while, in May 007, we committed ourselves to participate in the Amber Alert Program, a
voluntary partnership led by the association “The Smile of the Child”, that assists in the search and the
safe recovery of lost children.

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