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Financial Statements



Dear Sirs,
With pleasure I welcome you today to the 1th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Athens
International Airport S.A., during which we shall review the year 007.
According to article 4a, paragraph of Codified Law (C.L.) 190/190, as this was replaced by article 5 of
Presidential Decree (P.D.) 409/1986, we submit herewith to your General Assembly the company’s Financial
Statements for its 1th financial period. The present report includes the analysis of these statements and
any supplementary information necessary or useful for the statements’ appreciation and approval by the
General Assembly, according to the proposal of the Board of Directors.
Growth of the global aviation industry continued in 007, with passenger demand achieving considerable
increase - driven by robust economic growth - and airlines further improving their profitability, albeit still
facing high fuel prices.
This positive industry climate, the implementation of our aeronautical developmental strategy, and the
re-establishment of Athens and Greece as one of the top European tourist destinations, led us again to a
very positive end-year outcome. Athens International Airport (AIA) achieved a significant 10% increase in
passenger traffic, placing itself among the top 10 fastest growing major airports in Europe. Combined with
the successful development of AIA’s non-aeronautical activities, the traffic growth,– constituting 9% of
AIA’s total revenues, and being the major contributor to AIA’s profits - resulted in positive financial results,
enabling the company to post a pre-tax profit of €15.7 million and to propose the distribution of €90.0
million as dividend to its shareholders.

1. Traffic Highlights
With a total of 16.5 million passengers, 007 was another record-breaking year for Athens International
Airport, posting an impressive 10% increase year-on-year (15.1 million passengers in 006). The number of
flights also enjoyed an 8% rise, for the first time surpassing the 00,000 flights threshold (05,95 flights
against 190,87 in 006).
The domestic market climbed by 9%, posting an all-time record with 6 million passengers. International
traffic also grew significantly by 10%, for the first time exceeding 10 million passengers, enjoying high
levels of increase in all international markets.
By adding 10 new destinations (Philadelphia, Beijing, Timisoara, Kaliningrad, Jeddah, Riyadh, Riga, Goteborg,
Lviv and Mariupol), Athens International Airport offered in 007 direct scheduled services to 116 destinations
in 50 countries, serviced by 70 airlines. In addition, Athens International Airport welcomed 15 new airlines in
the course of 007 (Aer Lingus, Air Baltic, Air China, Carpatair, Centralwings, Clickair, Continental Airlines,
Finnair, Ilyich-Avia, KDavia, Kras Air, MyΑir, Saudi Arabian Airlines, US Airways and Vueling Airlines).

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