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DAFNI ZOULOU AND DORA and creams for personal use became our Based on the mythology, the Oriads were of
TSATOUCHA, THE FOUNDERS new normal. In this process, we also pursued Greek origin, naturally beautiful creatures,
OF ORIAD LUXURY SKINCARE studies in cosmetology to understand the protectors of the environment, and they were
BRAND, TALK TO US ABOUT properties of medicinal plants and the not immortal but exceptionally long-lived
THE NEED TO LOVE OURSELVES preparation of extracts for personal use and ageless.
MORE AND IMPROVE THE initially. Then, Dora’s cancer diagnosis came How the industry of Greek cosmetics is
QUALITY OF OUR DAILY LIVES and turned everything we took for granted developed?
IN ALL ASPECTS. / H ΔΑΦΝΗ upside down. Following her doctor's advice In recent years, the "made in Greece" label
ΖΟΥΛΟΥ ΚΑΙ Η ΝΤΟΡΑ ΤΣΑΤΟΥΧΑ, to pay close attention to what we consume, has been gaining more and more devoted
ΟΙ ΙΔΡΥΤΡΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΛΥΤΕΛΟΥΣ we began scrutinizing the ingredients of the followers, not only regarding food and
BRAND ΠΕΡΙΠΟΙΗΣΗΣ ORIAD, skincare products we had in our cabinets. clothing products but also in the field of
ΜΑΣ ΜΙΛΟΥΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΝΑΓΚΗ It was truly shocking how many toxic skincare. Simultaneously, the general trend
ΝΑ ΑΓΑΠΗΣΟΥΜΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΟ ingredients we were using daily. towards healthy eating and the search for
ΤΟN ΕΑΥΤΟ ΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ That's when the idea was born, initially to pure products have led to an increased
ΒΕΛΤΙΩΣΟΥΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΗΣ meet our own need for genuinely clean demand for Greek cosmetics, especially
ΖΩΗΣ ΜΑΣ ΣΕ ΚΑΘΕ ΠΤΥΧΗ ΤΗΣ. and absolutely safe products. However, our those based on plant ingredients, given
personal need didn't stop there. We wanted Greece's richness in herbs with therapeutic
products that were not only clean but also properties. Greek cosmetics exports have
Interview: Ira Sinigalia effective and luxurious. So, we decided to shown significant growth in recent years.
take action and create our own product line, Particularly, during the pandemic, online
against the uncertainty we were facing at that sales increased, allowing Greek cosmetics
time. Our goal was to challenge the belief that companies to directly ship their products
| plant-based cosmetics couldn't be as effective worldwide. According to recent data, the
How was your company born? or luxurious. After extensive research, value of Greek cosmetics exports reached
The story of Oriad Athens began in early 2020 cosmetology studies, entrepreneurship 650 million euros in 2022, with an estimated
when the pandemic brought a new situation seminars, and of course, selecting the growth of 3.5% in 2023.
into all our lives. We met each other while best partners, Oriad Athens was born. It Πώς δημιουργήσατε την εταιρεία σας;
working together at the luxury hotel ‘Grande represents a holistic approach to anti-aging, Η ιστορία της ξεκίνησε στις αρχές του
Bretagne’, where from being colleagues we featuring potent ingredients, being certified 2020, όταν η πανδημία έφερε μια νέα
became friends. Like many others, we were by PETA as 100% vegan and cruelty-free, κατάσταση στις ζωές όλων μας. Γνωρίσαμε
experiencing intense work routines and unisex, free from toxic ingredients, and safe η μία την άλλη όταν δουλεύαμε μαζί στο
had almost no time for ourselves. When the for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Ξενοδοχείο Μεγάλη Βρεταννία, όπου εκτός
pandemic started, suddenly we found the Based on the above values, we came up από συνάδελφοι γίναμε και φίλες. Όπως
time to think, prioritize our physical and with the choice of the name "Oriad." The πολύς κόσμος, έτσι και εμείς βιώναμε
mental health, and get closer to nature. So, we name Oriad is derived from the Oriads, έντονους εργασιακούς ρυθμούς και δεν
started gradually changing our daily routines who, according to Greek mythology, were είχαμε σχεδόν καθόλου χρόνο για τον εαυτό
for the better. Exercising, eating healthier, and the nymphs of the mountains. This name μας. Όταν ξεκίνησε η πανδημία, ξαφνικά
experimenting with creating handmade soaps has 4 aspects which reflect on our brand. βρήκαμε τον χρόνο να σκεφτούμε, να
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