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CHRYSANTHOS “diaskedasi”(amusement, HIGH LEVEL Riviera (a favourite of
a word that derives ENTERTAINMENT great personalities, such as
PANAS etymologically from the BECAME A PART Meryl Streep, Valentino),
ancient “diaskedanymi” OF CULTURE Salon de Bricolage,
THE MEANING OF LEISURE and means to scatter Η ΔΙΑΣΚΕΔΑΣΗ intimately connected
myself) with “psychagogia” ΕΓΙΝΕ ΜΕΡΟΣ ΤΟΥ to international art, and
The man behind Zonars, Salon (entertainment, which ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ the latest Zonars (the new
de Bricolage and Island, analyses etymologically means to lead urban neighbourhood of City
the phenomenon of Athenian the psych(=soul) to something Link), which Porter Magazine
entertainment. | O άνθρωπος πίσω higher). So, believing that our work recently mentioned as one of the most
από το Zonars, το Salon de Bricolage has an instructional element, we saw fashionable places in the world.
και το Island αναλύει το φαινόμενο to it, that our venues teach the public What can a traveler find only in
αθηναϊκή διασκέδαση. something about quality and good Athens?
taste. Also, we cultivated in our patrons, He’ll find a capital, a metropolis
Based on your characteristics, what’s especially younger children, European with everything that goes with that
your contribution to Athens? mores and the tendency towards (museums, transport, historical
From the first moment of our honest, organised and civilised activities monuments, hospitals) combined with
professional activities, with my related to entertainment. Apart from a vacation destination. Athens is the
brother, we treated catering and education, we helped to get Athens into only capital in the world that has a
entertainment as part of culture. the entertainment world map, creating Riviera just 15 minutes from the centre.
Through our work, we tried to combine some of the best venues in the world,
such as the Island of the Athenian CONTINUED ON PAGE 222
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