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sui generis city

The Architects View

here are two perspectives from which we can view Athens. first as architects, and then as citizens who live
and work in the greek capital. | Υπάρχουν δυο οπτικές γωνίες, μέσα από τις οποίες μπορούμε εμείς να «δούμε»

την Αθήνα. aφενοσ ως αρχιτεκτονεσ, αφετερου ωσ πολιτεσ που ζουν και εργαζονται στην ελληνικη πρωτευουσα.

T he dilemma, therefore, arises from the contemporary
the very beginning. Objectively, one athens. | οψη τησ
could claim that from an urban συγχρονησ αθηνασ.
planning and architectural point
of view, the image of Athens today Dimitris Potiropoulos, are primarily experiential – its allure is composed of ISN/ YIORGIS YEROLYMBOS
does not meet the requirements Liana Nella- its humane quality, its spontaneity; of diversity and
of a modern European city. Already from the first Potiropoulou the unexpected. Indeed, Athens may not be politically
decades of the previous century there were voices founders of correct in terms of planning or architecture, but
warning of the impasse regarding the city’s unfettered Potiropoulos+Partners. perhaps it is exactly this quality that constitutes its
development, as well as of the problem of a lack of ιδιοκτητεσ hidden charms.
identity. All the same, over time Athens continued του γραφείου Aφενός ως αρχιτέκτονες και αφετέρου ως πολίτες που
its unregulated course of development. In this way, Potiropoulos+Partners. ζουν και εργάζονται στην ελληνική πρωτεύουσα. Το
while the state, private investors and the press would δίλημμα, επομένως, τίθεται ευθύς εξαρχής.
appear to be actively interested in matters of urban Αντικειμενικά, θα ισχυριστεί κάποιος ότι η πολεοδομική
planning and architecture, in practice, the qualitative και αρχιτεκτονική εικόνα της σημερινής Αθήνας δεν
and symbolic degradation of public spaces and new ανταποκρίνεται στις προδιαγραφές μιας σύγχρονης
“trophy” buildings ensued. The emphasis on the ευρωπαϊκής πόλης. Από τις πρώτες δεκαετίες του
transient and visual aspect of architecture was, and προηγούμενου αιώνα είχαν ήδη επισημανθεί τα
is, the dominant direction. Yet, the charming cities αδιέξοδα της ανεξέλεγκτης ανάπτυξής της, καθώς
of Europe are also urban conglomerates, with an επίσης και το πρόβλημα της απουσίας ταυτότητας. Η
enduring identity and character. For some, the problem Αθήνα συνέχισε, εντούτοις, στο πέρασμα του χρόνου
with the centre of the Greek capital is just that: a want την απορρυθμισμένη πορεία της.
of identity, because it lacks buildings of historical
importance and also, of contemporary interest. The
same people claim, ourselves included, that the
absence of strong landmarks is obvious – the centre of
our city does not encapsulate the qualities of modern
city planning, nor the traditions of a historic centre.
On the other hand, Athens is a city of grand
contradictions. While we comment on its
shortcomings, and despite them, the energy the
city radiates is diffused everywhere. Athens is
a megalopolis that requires visitors to dedicate
considerable time on their part in order to fully
understand its many different faces. It would be
no exaggeration to say that to a large degree, we
perceive urban spaces through the people who live
there, through their way of life, through their daily
moments. A city is not just buildings and squares.
So it is true that the polyphony of Athens is grouped
among its positive attributes, as this adds to its charm.
It is the micro-atmosphere of its neighbourhoods,
the whispers of its historic landmarks that unfold this
urban “adventure”. The encounters our big city offers


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