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P. 114
2board health

Get a leg up on it!
Minimal invasive arthroplasty: evolution for the treatment
of osteoarthritis of knee and hip.

T he minimally invasive total knee replace- 7. Quicker return to the usual activities
ment or arthroplasty (MIS-TKR) is a (driving, stairs)
relatively new surgical technique The MIS-TKR can be combined with

that allows surgeons to insert the same navigation system (computer assist-

time-tested reliable knee replacement ed minimally invasive knee replace-

implants through a shorter skin inci- ment). A unicompartmental knee al-

sion using the mini midvastus approach so can be implanted with the mini-

that avoids trauma to the quadriceps mally invasive technique.

muscle which is the most important The minimally invasive total hip re-

muscle group around the knee. Patel- placement (MIS THR) is performed

la bone and patellar tendon also are not through a small skin incision at the

violated. The main benefits of the MIS-TKR anterior aspect of the hip (6-8cm) with-

technique compared to the conventional knee out disruption of the muscles group and

replacement are listed below: has the same benefits of quick recovery as

MIS TKR has. Special equipment, instrumenta-

1. R educed skin incision (3-4 inches, 8-10 cm) Dr Athanasios Koukakis tion and anaesthetic facilities are used addition-

compared to the traditional knee replacement Orthopaedic Surgeon ally with fast recovery programmes to optimise
(8inches, 20-30cm) Head of the orthopaedic the benefits of the minimally invasive surgery. Our
2. Reduced length of hospital stay (2-3 days) department of IASO General minimally invasive knee and hip surgery private
3. Q uicker operative time and quicker mobilization practice provides high quality services in prestig-
Hospital, Athens

within 12 hours postoperatively ious private hospitals in Athens at affordable rates

4. Less pain, less bleeding and less damage of the accepting international patients.

surrounding soft tissues (quadriceps muscle, patella More than 3000 patients have undergone MIS-TKR and MIS-

tendon etc) THR surgeries in our private practice by Dr A. Koukakis, or-

5. Early restoration of range of movement (ROM) of the knee thopaedic surgeon, head of the department and leader in the

joint without need for prolonged physiotherapy field of the minimally invasive joint surgery.

6. Walk independently (without walker or crutches) within 2

weeks after surgery. 80% of the patientsundergoing MIS- Info
TKR can walk independently 3-4 days postoperatively

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