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Jan-Mar | 16 Business APeirrpsoorntaΙnl ibtieastitve
Welcome to
the Digital Gate
With just one click, the new award-winning applications of the first “Digital Gate”
competition will make your AIA experience even more exciting. | Ένα κλικ και οι νέες
βραβευμένες εφαρμογές του πρώτου διαγωνισμού Digital Gate θα κάνουν την εμπειρία
σας στον ΔΑΑ ακόμα πιο συναρπαστική.
Imagine arriving at Athens International
Airport, already fully aware of the weath- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ACE) re- were also given the appropriate techno-
er that will prevail during your trip or the cently organised the first competition “THE logical tools by the largest IT&T companies
available parking spaces at AIA. Or, after DIGITAL GATE: Airport Innovation Challenge – that supported the project. In addition, two
Transforming the Airport Environment”, with workshops and four seminars were held as
landing at Athens, how would you like to have the aim of encouraging digital innovation and part of the procedure to help the competi-
a shopping guide so you don’t lose one minute young entrepreneurship. In December, at The tors perfect their apps.
from your visit to the airport, or a digital guide HUB Events, AIA awarded prizes for the best Finally, an 11-member evaluation committee
to the city’s main attractions and cultural hap- digital ideas with potential for implementa- of specialists in the fields of IT&T, transport
penings, or even an electronic “personal as- tion at the airport and among the broader air- and start-ups chose seven proposals, six of
sistant” to provide whatever you need during port community. which will be implemented at Athens Interna-
your stay in Greece? It may sound like science Participation in the 4-month competition was tional Airport, while one will receive special-
fiction, but it’s not. This is a reality that fits in really impressive, with 162 entries and 83 pro- ised support from AUEB’s “Athens Center for
the palm of your hand or in the sleeve of your posals, 35 of which offered the possibility of Entrepreneurship & Innovation”.
laptop or tablet! immediate implementation in the real airport Special awards were also presented to the
Athens International Airport in cooperation environment. participating teams for their efforts during the
with Athens University of Economics & Busi- The 16 proposals that made it through to the phase of developing and perfecting their pro-
ness (AUEB) and the scientific support of the second round of the competition were not posals by the IT&T companies that lent their
Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Busi- only provided with substantial assistance support to “The Digital Gate” since its incep-
ness, as well as with the Athens Center for from 18 AIA specialists and 45 experts, but tion (SAP, Microsoft, IBM, IQbility).
Welcome to
the Digital Gate
With just one click, the new award-winning applications of the first “Digital Gate”
competition will make your AIA experience even more exciting. | Ένα κλικ και οι νέες
βραβευμένες εφαρμογές του πρώτου διαγωνισμού Digital Gate θα κάνουν την εμπειρία
σας στον ΔΑΑ ακόμα πιο συναρπαστική.
Imagine arriving at Athens International
Airport, already fully aware of the weath- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ACE) re- were also given the appropriate techno-
er that will prevail during your trip or the cently organised the first competition “THE logical tools by the largest IT&T companies
available parking spaces at AIA. Or, after DIGITAL GATE: Airport Innovation Challenge – that supported the project. In addition, two
Transforming the Airport Environment”, with workshops and four seminars were held as
landing at Athens, how would you like to have the aim of encouraging digital innovation and part of the procedure to help the competi-
a shopping guide so you don’t lose one minute young entrepreneurship. In December, at The tors perfect their apps.
from your visit to the airport, or a digital guide HUB Events, AIA awarded prizes for the best Finally, an 11-member evaluation committee
to the city’s main attractions and cultural hap- digital ideas with potential for implementa- of specialists in the fields of IT&T, transport
penings, or even an electronic “personal as- tion at the airport and among the broader air- and start-ups chose seven proposals, six of
sistant” to provide whatever you need during port community. which will be implemented at Athens Interna-
your stay in Greece? It may sound like science Participation in the 4-month competition was tional Airport, while one will receive special-
fiction, but it’s not. This is a reality that fits in really impressive, with 162 entries and 83 pro- ised support from AUEB’s “Athens Center for
the palm of your hand or in the sleeve of your posals, 35 of which offered the possibility of Entrepreneurship & Innovation”.
laptop or tablet! immediate implementation in the real airport Special awards were also presented to the
Athens International Airport in cooperation environment. participating teams for their efforts during the
with Athens University of Economics & Busi- The 16 proposals that made it through to the phase of developing and perfecting their pro-
ness (AUEB) and the scientific support of the second round of the competition were not posals by the IT&T companies that lent their
Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Busi- only provided with substantial assistance support to “The Digital Gate” since its incep-
ness, as well as with the Athens Center for from 18 AIA specialists and 45 experts, but tion (SAP, Microsoft, IBM, IQbility).