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P. 65
Future perfect

IoannIs Trochopoulos, cEo The project is about half way through its construc- the fact that ambassadors and representatives of
tion phase – what is set to change in Athens fol-
tourism services believe the Centre will become an
of ThE sTavros nIarchos lowing the arrival of the SNFCC? attraction. It is an interesting project; perhaps archi-
foundaTIon culTural cEnTEr I. Trochopoulos: No project can change anything in tecturally due to Renzo Piano, but for visitors to re-
a city. People can; how and the extent to which they
turn time and time again we must focus on the ser-
and managIng dIrEcTor Elly connect with a project, as well as the ability of the vices provided. From a communication standpoint
andrIopoulou spEak abouT people in charge to inspire others. we are searching for ways to inform all members
of the tourism industry; besides, it is a location with
Do you imagine yourself at the helm after the
ThE bIggEsT culTural projEcT completion of this project? great accessibility due to its proximity with the port of
currEnTly runnIng In grEEcE. I.Τ.: I will surprise you: no, I do not imagine anything. Piraeus, a hub for cruise ships, and Syngrou Avenue
is already an attraction with the New Acropolis Muse-
I work from one day to the next.
Ο Γιάννης ΤρΟχΟπΟυλΟς, Can the complex “National Library, Opera. Park” um, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Onassis
διευθυνων ςυμβΟυλΟς ΤΟυ bring about a larger audience participation? Cultural Centre, and finally with the SNFCC. Already,
I. T.: Every organisation can plan, and will do more;
a cultural highway has been created that may con-
ΚενΤρΟυ πΟλιΤιςμΟυ ιδρυμά the Foundation that is organising the entire project tribute to having visitors extend their stay in Athens.
How did the Journey to the Cultural Centre unfold?
is also making plans. It has created a Visitor’s Cen-
ςΤάυρΟς νιάρχΟς, Κάι η ελλη tre, the Journey to the Cultural Centre and is also I.T: I can tell you that it was impossible even for my-
άνδριΟπΟυλΟυ, διΟιΚηΤιΚη trying to help and actively support the other organi- self to imagine the extent to which people would
sations involved. It lays the groundwork in as many
embrace the project with such curiosity and faith
διευθυνΤριά, μιλΟυν Γιά ΤΟ ways as possible to make this small miracle come in its fruition. There was a greater interest than we
μεΓάλυΤερΟ πΟλιΤιςΤιΚΟ ερΓΟ true. Indeed, it is a large project with a great risk had anticipated. There is an effort to connect with
factor, but the project is supported by a lot of plan-
the audience through the Foundation’s donations
ςΤην ελλάδά. ning and methodical organisation, which ultimately and through the ‘Opera in a Suitcase’ performances
shows that this challenge will be met. of the Greek National Opera. There is serious work
How will it become an attraction for foreign visitors? in action here, which is very promising for the fu-
Elly Andriopoulou: We are pleasantly surprised by ture – even though this does not determine suc-

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