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Apr-Jun | 14 Business Events
Let the
SunShine in
AIA’s InnovAtIve musIc stAge wAs flooded wIth hIts thAt
mAde It to the top of the AIrlIne chArts. | Η πρωτότυπΗ
μόυσικΗ σκΗνΗ τόυ ΔΑΑ γέμισέ μέ έπιτυχιέσ, πόυ έφτΑσΑν
στΗν κόρυφΗ των Αέρόπόρικων chArts.
F eaturing some of the most popular rock and applause. As well as being attended, like an end with AIA’s entrance in the social me-
n’ roll, pop and r&b songs, AIA welcomed
every year, by representatives of the airlines
dia scene, which holds many benefits for air-
ports and airlines as demonstrated in the case
that fly to and from AIA, the guest list also in-
viewers and took them on a unique mu-
sical journey at the 14th annual Airline Mar-
keting Workshop. AIA’s Communications and cluded honoured invitees. Everyone moved to of successful industry examples brought up
the rhythm of AIA’s efforts to promote Ath-
by the Workshop’s speakers. As always, AIA
Marketing multi-member music band took the ens as an attractive city destination, including awarded various “sold out” performers, recog-
stage at gazARTE on 20 February. With lyrics the extremely successful “Perhaψ You’re an nising the airlines that succeeded in recording
infused with optimism, they presented the mar- Aθenian too” advertising campaign that forms the highest increases in passenger numbers
ket overview of the “stabilisation year” 2013, as part of the “City Pair” initiative. in their scheduled services in 2013. Looking
well as outlining the promising forecasts for Guest starring special speakers, presentations forward to next year – the show must go on!
passenger traffic in 2014. included the trends and future challenges for ε νότες από παλιές rock n’ roll, pop και
Positive signs have already been recorded the global aviation industry, the potential for Μ r&b επιτυχίες, o ΔΑΑ υποδέχθηκε και
since last May. In fact, AIA’s incentives policy further development and extension of the tour- ξενάγησε μελωδικά τους θεατές στο 14ο
for increasing airport traffic in the form of new ist period in Athens, as well as the destination Συνέδριο Μάρκετινγκ Αεροπορικών Εταιρειών.
routes, more frequent flights and maintaining marketing strategy in the cases of Turkey and Το πολυμελές μουσικό συγκρότημα της ομάδας
steady prices was met with great enthusiasm Croatia. Lastly, the musical journey came to Μάρκετινγκ και Επικοινωνίας του ΔΑΑ ανέβηκε
Let the
SunShine in
AIA’s InnovAtIve musIc stAge wAs flooded wIth hIts thAt
mAde It to the top of the AIrlIne chArts. | Η πρωτότυπΗ
μόυσικΗ σκΗνΗ τόυ ΔΑΑ γέμισέ μέ έπιτυχιέσ, πόυ έφτΑσΑν
στΗν κόρυφΗ των Αέρόπόρικων chArts.
F eaturing some of the most popular rock and applause. As well as being attended, like an end with AIA’s entrance in the social me-
n’ roll, pop and r&b songs, AIA welcomed
every year, by representatives of the airlines
dia scene, which holds many benefits for air-
ports and airlines as demonstrated in the case
that fly to and from AIA, the guest list also in-
viewers and took them on a unique mu-
sical journey at the 14th annual Airline Mar-
keting Workshop. AIA’s Communications and cluded honoured invitees. Everyone moved to of successful industry examples brought up
the rhythm of AIA’s efforts to promote Ath-
by the Workshop’s speakers. As always, AIA
Marketing multi-member music band took the ens as an attractive city destination, including awarded various “sold out” performers, recog-
stage at gazARTE on 20 February. With lyrics the extremely successful “Perhaψ You’re an nising the airlines that succeeded in recording
infused with optimism, they presented the mar- Aθenian too” advertising campaign that forms the highest increases in passenger numbers
ket overview of the “stabilisation year” 2013, as part of the “City Pair” initiative. in their scheduled services in 2013. Looking
well as outlining the promising forecasts for Guest starring special speakers, presentations forward to next year – the show must go on!
passenger traffic in 2014. included the trends and future challenges for ε νότες από παλιές rock n’ roll, pop και
Positive signs have already been recorded the global aviation industry, the potential for Μ r&b επιτυχίες, o ΔΑΑ υποδέχθηκε και
since last May. In fact, AIA’s incentives policy further development and extension of the tour- ξενάγησε μελωδικά τους θεατές στο 14ο
for increasing airport traffic in the form of new ist period in Athens, as well as the destination Συνέδριο Μάρκετινγκ Αεροπορικών Εταιρειών.
routes, more frequent flights and maintaining marketing strategy in the cases of Turkey and Το πολυμελές μουσικό συγκρότημα της ομάδας
steady prices was met with great enthusiasm Croatia. Lastly, the musical journey came to Μάρκετινγκ και Επικοινωνίας του ΔΑΑ ανέβηκε