Page 65 - Ath Airport Profile
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2008 was a challenging year for the The aforementioned developments also
affected the airports’ ranking places
global aviation industry. With the world regarding aircraft movements. Dynamic
economy entering in recession and fuel Istanbul notched 10th, casting out Zurich
prices remaining at extremely high levels from the top 10, while Rome and Barcelona
for most of the year, the aviation market shifted places, acquiring 7th and 8th position
around the world witnessed decreased traffic respectively, as a result of the airports’ home
levels in 2008. More specifically, the 900 carriers transfer of operations.
airports reporting their results to ACI saw
passenger traffic slightly declining by 0.2%, In terms of cargo uplift, Paris won the top
aircraft movements falling by 2.2% and cargo European position, trailed by Frankfurt,
volumes plunging by 3.6%. while Leipzig dynamically entered the top
10, gaining 9th place, with a tremendous
Focusing on passenger traffic, the 3% drop growth rate over 500%. This development
for North American airports and the slim rise is primarily attributed to DHL and Lufthansa
of 0.7% in Europe, representing between Cargo moving their cargo operations from
them two thirds of the world’s air travellers, Brussels and Cologne respectively, into the
were the main drivers of the overall global fast developing European cargo hub of
development. The Asia Pacific rim witnessed Leipzig. This is also reflected in the sharp
a relatively stagnant course (with a 0.7% decline (-18%) of cargo volumes at Brussels
increase), whereas the smallest regional and Cologne.
market of the Middle East achieved, contrary
to the general trend, a remarkable rise of Athens International Airport retained 26th
more than 10%, mainly due to the successful position in Europe in terms of passenger
development of carriers originating from the traffic, while climbing up one notch in
region. aircraft movements and cargo uplift, gaining
22nd and 24th place respectively. Athens
A similar picture was observed in the 2008 performance vis-à-vis European airports
development of aircraft movements, with the exceeding 10 million passengers per year
considerable drop of flights in North America showed that although the decline in the
(-5.6%), which represent almost half of the number of flights was higher than most of
total number of worldwide flights, largely the airports under review, passenger traffic
affecting the overall outcome. As per the evolution was in accordance with the overall
evolution of the cargo sector, a decline in air development of the major airports in Europe.
freight & mail volumes was observed in all
regions, apart from the Middle East, which
not only resisted the trend, but enjoyed a
significant upsurge at the level of 6%.

Looking more closely in the busiest European
airports in terms of passenger traffic,
interesting reshuffling was observed in the
top 10. Istanbul entered the 10 most popular
European airports, outperforming Paris Orly,
while Rome Fiumicino, benefiting from the
transfer of all Alitalia’s Milan operations
to the Italian capital, climbed up from 8th
to 6th notch ousting London Gatwick. On
the contrary, Barcelona losing all of Iberia’s
services, suffered a considerable passenger
traffic loss (-8%), yet remaining 9th in
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