Page 69 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 69

COUNTING PASSENGERS AND FLIGHTS • Measuring actual performance on critical areas (service
The origin and destination of a flight is defined according performance indicators).
to the first origin/last destination of the flight.
A passenger’s origin/destination is defined according Service Performance indicators reflect those areas of
to the point of embarkation/disembarkation. service and facilities that affect the perception of a
The classification into Intra/Extra-Schengen for passenger for the level of the service offered within
passengers and flights is designated according to the the airport premises.
flight’s last origin/first stop.
The geographical regions are defined according to the Thus, for a number of services offered to passengers
ACI classification. either by the Airport Company or by 3rd party airport
Transit Passengers are defined as passengers arriving users (airlines/handlers), quantifiable indicators have
to and departing from the airport with the same flight been established and are being monitored, in line
number, without leaving the transit area of the airport with the Corporate Quality programme of AIA. These
(direct transit). indicators enable us to accurately monitor the level
Terminal Passengers are arriving and departing of service provided while supporting benchmarking
passengers, transit passengers excluded. and performance enhancement activities. Efficient
All traffic statistical data are measured on UTC and measurement of AIA and non-AIA passenger-oriented
Land/Airborne times. services is achieved through effective cross-departmental
Traffic data for the peripheral Greek airports are based on cooperation.
the preliminary traffic results dispatched by the Hellenic
Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA). The total number of Check-in, Ticketing and Security Queues
Greece’s domestic flights and passengers are double- Measurement of queuing time refers to the time elapsing
counted (included in both the airport of origin and the from the moment a passenger stands in line until they
airport of destination). reach the service point. Measurements are taken 7 days
Worldwide traffic statistics are based on ACI preliminary a week between 06:00 and 22:00 hours.
traffic results. The ranking of major European airports is
based on ACI’s Rapid Data Exchange programme. Baggage Reclaim
The measurement of the time between aircraft on-blocks
EXERCISES ON PUNCTUALITY until first bag delivery (Obl-Fb) and between first-bag
A flight is characterised as Delayed if it departs/arrives delivery until last-bag delivery (Fb-Lb) is a standard
(off-/on- blocks) 15 or more minutes after the scheduled method among international airports for assessing
time of departure/arrival. baggage reclaim performance, and approximates the
Average Delay is calculated in minutes and amongst level of service provided.
delayed flights.
Delay reasons are classified according to IATA Delay Info Desk
Codes, as declared by the airlines and/or handling Although the info desk queries indicator is not a direct
agents. It should be noted that statistics presented in measure of service performance, it shows the effect of
this report should be treated with caution due to the passenger traffic on the information counters.
limited number of delayed flights for which a delay
reason is declared. More specifically, the available results Call Centre
are based on the 57% of delayed departures, the reasons Call centre statistics are being produced by the reporting
for which have been dispatched to AIA (as compared function of the switchboard system. The data are taken in
to 60% in 2005). 10-second increments, and a 2-minute threshold is being
Flights considered in the “Punctuality” section are only used to assess the trend of service performance.
passenger-scheduled and charter flights.
Passenger Complaints
JOINING THE PASSENGER DOTS – Refers to complaints related to each of the articles of the
ADDING TOURISTS ACI-Europe Airport Voluntary Commitment expressed
Passenger profile and tourism development data derive as a percentage of all the complaint items received.
from AIA’s “Passengers Survey”. This survey has been Athens International Airport, in compliance with article
conducted at Athens International Airport for ten 10 of the ACI-Europe Airport Voluntary Commitment,
consecutive years, aiming to investigate the demographic has established an integrated Passenger Complaint
and travelling profile of Athens passengers, and depict Management system.
changes over the years. The annual sample of the survey
amounts to 40,000 interviews conducted with departing Airport Services Questionnaire – Rating
passengers, while the data collection takes place at the AIA’s passenger comments brochure titled “Your
departures gates of the airport on a daily basis. Opinion Counts” features a questionnaire section
for the evaluation of airport services and facilities.
OUR GRADE REPORT This section includes 18 general service categories,
Service Performance relates to: which the passengers rate on a 1-to-5 scale (5 being
Capturing the passengers’/visitors’ perception regarding excellent). In 2008, 1,920 passengers in total answered
the level of services offered (passenger comment this questionnaire.
management process);
*All figures presented in this report refer to year 2008
unless otherwise stated.
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