Page 61 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 61

In the course of 2008, a total of almost 41 International passengers travelling to Greek
million passengers travelled through the 39 destinations via charter services amounted
Greek commercial airports via 426 thousand to 15.2 million in 2008, presenting a decrease
flights. Air traffic in Greece did not remain of -3% compared to 2007, and accounted
intact through the global economic crisis; for more than half of Greece’s international
it witnessed a traffic loss of 4% in terms of traffic. With the exception of Athens and
aircraft movements, but only a small decline Thessaloniki, which serve mainly scheduled
of 1% in terms of passengers, primarily flights, in all other peripheral airports,
driven by the relevant decline in the domestic charter traffic represents the vast majority of
sector (-1.7%), and to a lesser degree, in the the international sector (95% on average).
international market (-0.6%). Consistent with the overall downward trend,
charter traffic also showed a decrease in
Focusing on the overall passenger traffic passenger volumes in most major Greek
evolution of the major Greek airports, airports, with the bright exception of
Zakinthos suffered the largest decline (-4%), Kefallonia, which witnessed an impressive rise
whereas Thessaloniki and Kos managed at the level of 15%.
to keep their 2007 passenger volumes.
Domestically, the Cretan airports of Chania Athens International Airport, as the country’s
and Heraklion were the only Greek airports capital airport, is the top Greek airport,
presenting a traffic rise in the course of consistently followed by Heraklion and
2008 (1.8% and 0.9% respectively), while Thessaloniki in the next two places.
Santorini remained at the 2007 levels. It steadily accounts for 40% of Greece’s air
Internationally, Thessaloniki showed the most travellers, and 44% of the corresponding
robust evolution, enjoying a traffic rise of 1%, aircraft movements. The vast majority of the
followed by Kos and Athens at similar levels. country’s international scheduled passengers
Santorini and Kerkyra witnessed the largest as well as transported air freight & mail
downturn (-4.2% and -3.4% respectively), with (more than 80%), pass through Athens.
Zakinthos and Mitilini also presenting traffic
losses of more than 3%.
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