Page 39 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 39

The airport’s overall punctuality performance January and November presented the lowest
proportion of delayed departures (21%), while
improved in the course of 2008, with 30% of July was the month with the highest share of
the departing flights experiencing delays of delayed departing flights (42%). The highest
more than 15 minutes, compared to 32% in monthly average delay for departing flights was
2007. Furthermore, the delay time per total 55 minutes, observed in February, mainly due
number of departing movements was reduced to the operational disruptions caused by severe
from 16.38 in 2007 to 16.13 minutes/movement weather conditions during the particular month,
in 2008. However, the average delay time felt while the lowest was 38 minutes in April and
by the passengers whose flights were delayed October.
was 42 minutes, presenting a 2-minute increase Most delayed departing flights were observed
compared to the previous year. primarily due to “Reactionary” reasons (34.8%),
The percentage of delayed flights for scheduled and to a lesser degree due to “Air Traffic
departures dropped from 32% to 30%, and Flow Management”, mainly en-route reasons
for charter departures from 50% to 40%. The (10.9%). Only 0.6% of the delayed departures
average delay time of delayed flights was 40 were attributed to “Airport Facilities”,
minutes for scheduled services, and 81 minutes reaffirming AIA’s commitment to operational
for charter services. Focusing on scheduled excellence.
services, domestic operations enjoyed the
largest improvement in punctuality, with the
share of delayed flights dropping from 31% to
28%, while intra-European and intercontinental
services presented delayed departures similar to
2007 (at 32% and 34% respectively).
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