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P. 4
01. Joint Address by the Chairman and the CEO
Dear Stakeholders, showed modest traffic growth (+3.9% on passengers
according to ACI), formulated by the strong growth
The Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 presents the of emerging economies versus the slow development
sustainability objectives, management practices and of more mature markets, such as the US and Europe.
attained performance of Athens International Airport, The Eurozone crisis resulted in a stagnant course of
as a direct outcome of the consistent balancing of EU airports (+0.2%) with an overall slow development
our roles as an efficient (+2%) for Europe in total.
airport manager and a
responsible entrepreneur In Greece, the critical
under a public private situation of the country
partnership scheme. affected both the
airline offer and the
In the midst of financial travelling demand.
recession and a turbulent With estimations of the
business environment, Greek GDP contracting
the Airport Company by 6.4% and the private
responds to the growing consumption index
sustainability challenges by 9.1%, the Greek s’
by practicing effective propensity to travel was
corporate governance severely impacted, while
and implementing foreign visitors were
adaptable and innovative significantly reduced as
entrepreneurial solutions. a result of the tarnished
Our long term success image of Athens and
extends beyond the Greece abroad, combined
attractiveness of our with the slow-down in
financial performance, European economies.
being the outcome of a The falling demand led
consistent collaboration to extensive capacity
with our stakeholders. cuts by both Greek and
foreign carriers, resulting
It may seem inevitable ultimately to decline
that the current economic of 2012 traffic figures,
climate affects the i.e. -10.4% in terms of
strategic and behavioural passenger volumes and
characteristics of a -11.5% in terms of number
corporation. Ιt is also of aircraft movements.
certain that, despite Overall, in 2012, Athens
cost restraints, the was directly connected
principles that make with scheduled services
success possible should with 109 destinations
not be compromised. (76 international) in 47
It is imperative for AIA countries, operated by a
that, despite emerging total of 64 carriers.
adversities, we remain Professor Nickolaos G. Travlos
firm on continuously Chairman of the Board of Directors Despite the severely
adapting our managerial unfavourable macro-
approach towards a prudent and responsible operating economic environment, the Airport Company continued
framework. to post healthy profits, maintaining profit margins
above the average airport industry and other major
The year 2012 was marked by slow worldwide economic Greek companies. AIA’s targeted efforts are directed
growth and high fuel prices. Airlines around the globe towards protecting traffic volumes and revenue
proceeded with consolidations and cost management streams, by significantly enhancing its incentive policy
actions and achieved at the end to see profits, yet with towards both aeronautical and non-aeronautical
slim profit margins (+1% according to IATA). Airports businesses and by providing savings on the cost side.
Dear Stakeholders, showed modest traffic growth (+3.9% on passengers
according to ACI), formulated by the strong growth
The Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 presents the of emerging economies versus the slow development
sustainability objectives, management practices and of more mature markets, such as the US and Europe.
attained performance of Athens International Airport, The Eurozone crisis resulted in a stagnant course of
as a direct outcome of the consistent balancing of EU airports (+0.2%) with an overall slow development
our roles as an efficient (+2%) for Europe in total.
airport manager and a
responsible entrepreneur In Greece, the critical
under a public private situation of the country
partnership scheme. affected both the
airline offer and the
In the midst of financial travelling demand.
recession and a turbulent With estimations of the
business environment, Greek GDP contracting
the Airport Company by 6.4% and the private
responds to the growing consumption index
sustainability challenges by 9.1%, the Greek s’
by practicing effective propensity to travel was
corporate governance severely impacted, while
and implementing foreign visitors were
adaptable and innovative significantly reduced as
entrepreneurial solutions. a result of the tarnished
Our long term success image of Athens and
extends beyond the Greece abroad, combined
attractiveness of our with the slow-down in
financial performance, European economies.
being the outcome of a The falling demand led
consistent collaboration to extensive capacity
with our stakeholders. cuts by both Greek and
foreign carriers, resulting
It may seem inevitable ultimately to decline
that the current economic of 2012 traffic figures,
climate affects the i.e. -10.4% in terms of
strategic and behavioural passenger volumes and
characteristics of a -11.5% in terms of number
corporation. Ιt is also of aircraft movements.
certain that, despite Overall, in 2012, Athens
cost restraints, the was directly connected
principles that make with scheduled services
success possible should with 109 destinations
not be compromised. (76 international) in 47
It is imperative for AIA countries, operated by a
that, despite emerging total of 64 carriers.
adversities, we remain Professor Nickolaos G. Travlos
firm on continuously Chairman of the Board of Directors Despite the severely
adapting our managerial unfavourable macro-
approach towards a prudent and responsible operating economic environment, the Airport Company continued
framework. to post healthy profits, maintaining profit margins
above the average airport industry and other major
The year 2012 was marked by slow worldwide economic Greek companies. AIA’s targeted efforts are directed
growth and high fuel prices. Airlines around the globe towards protecting traffic volumes and revenue
proceeded with consolidations and cost management streams, by significantly enhancing its incentive policy
actions and achieved at the end to see profits, yet with towards both aeronautical and non-aeronautical
slim profit margins (+1% according to IATA). Airports businesses and by providing savings on the cost side.