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5.10 Other non-current assets
Other non-current assets are analysed as follows:

Analysis of other non-current assets 2011 2010

Investment in associates 3,245,439 3,245,439
Long term guarantees 170,248 162,114

Total other non-current assets 3,415,687 3,407,553

Long-term guarantees relate to guarantees given to lessors for operating lease contracts, and were measured at their
present value, by discounting future cash flow transactions with the weighted average borrowing rate of the Company.

5.11 Inventories
Inventory items are analysed as follows:

Analysis of inventories per category 2011 2010

Merchandise 567,005 600,718
Consumables 876,470 827,446
Spare parts 4,684,898 4,742,811
Inventory impairment (691,090) (714,429)

Total inventories 5,437,283 5,456,546

During 2011, a reduction of €23,339 was recognized in the income statement in order to decrease the accumulated
provision for certain obsolete and slow moving items to €691,090 which is their estimated net realizable value.

5.12 Construction works in progress

Analysis of construction works in progress 2011 2010

Construction works in progress 8,366,263 8,559,582

Total construction works in progress 8,366,263 8,559,582

Construction works in progress mainly refer to additions and improvements on the existing infrastructure assets such
as technical works, building and facilities, roads etc. These assets will be returned to the Grantor at the end of the
Concession Period, together with all other infrastructure assets as described in note 1. Upon the completion of the
construction, such assets related to the infrastructure, will increase the cost of the concession intangible asset or the
owned assets. During the year ended 31 December 2011 the Company completed the construction of the Photovoltaic
Park project at a total cost of €18,906,230. The total construction cost for the project was transferred to Property, plant
and equipment - owned assets (Note 5.7) upon commissioning of the Photovoltaic Park on July 2011.

5.13 Trade receivables 2011 2010

Trade receivable accounts are analysed as follows: 37,592,346 61,739,020
537,410 103,937
Analysis of trade receivable accounts
2,971,198 2,225,563
Domestic customers 6,736,265 7,218,970
Foreign customers (3,305,553) (3,849,528)
Greek state & public sector 1,086,300 2,300,617
Accrued revenues
Provision for impairment of trade receivables 45,617,966 69,738,579

Total trade receivable accounts

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 38 of 50
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