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Chart 3.4 Domestic gained the 8th position in the expense of Amsterdam (see
Quarterly Passenger Traffic Development 2009 International Chart 3.6).
15% Chart 3.6
Top 10 European
International Scheduled Destinations

10% 7.6% 9.2% LONDON 13.8%
PARIS 9.6%
OTHER 32.0%

% Growth 2009/2008 5% 3.6%

0% -2.7% 1.4% 1.6% MADRID 3.4% LARNACA 9.5%
-0.7% -6.1% -1.8% -2.9%

-5% -7.9% AMSTERDAM 3.7%

-10% ZURICH 4.0%
MILAN 5.0%
-15% -12.3% Q2 Q3 Q4 FRANKFURT 5.8% ROME 7.2%

Regarding international geographical regions, all markets Outside Europe, the only destination with a dynamic perfor-
experienced traffic decrease, with the Middle East suffering mance was Dubai, which, experiencing a 10% increase,
the least (-1.2%), followed by Western Europe (-2.8%) and continued to rank 2nd but considerably closing up on New
Eastern Europe (-9.4%) (see Chart 3.5). All other regions York. The other route that presented a traffic increase
outside Europe suffered double-digit levels of decline, (+2%), and managed to gain a position in the top 10 was
with the cease of Olympic’s long-haul routes playing an Beirut (see Chart 3.7).
important role to this development.
Chart 3.7
Chart 3.5 Top 10 Non-European
International Passenger Traffic Development International Scheduled Destinations
per Region 2009

0% NEW YORK 18.6%
-1.2% OTHER 21.5%


% Growth 2009/2008 -10% -9.4% BEIRUT 3.6%
-15% SINGAPORE 3.6%
DUBAI 17.0%
-20% -18.9%
-25% BANGKOK 4.2%
-20.7% -22.1% TORONTO 4.2% CAIRO 11.0%
Africa DOHA 5.6%
Middle Western Eastern America Rest of TEL AVIV 6.8%
East Europe Europe Asia

The major international routes out of Athens experienced The diverse developments of the major carriers operating at
overall a considerable traffic decrease, with few destinations Athens International Airport in the course of 2009 resulted
resisting the overall trend. Within Europe, the robust traffic to a reshuffling of the top 10 positions, with Aegean Airlines
rise of Paris (+10%) should be highlighted, surpassing gaining the top notch, and Olympic Airlines/Air ranking
Larnaca and gaining the second place behind London, second. Athens Airways, with a dynamic entrance to
while Zurich, managing to slightly surpass prior-year levels, the Athens aviation market, gained the 10th position, to
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