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06. Corporate Responsibility

3. Development of a “Green Design Principles Handbook their own. Our people’s commitment is clearly reflected in
for New Construction” with the cooperation of the the high productivity ratios (Revenues & ADF / Employee:
University of Athens, defining high levels of standards €557,481 vs. €528,000 of 2007) and the low turnover
for energy efficient buildings. This handbook shall be ratio of the year 2008 (2% vs. 2.3% of 2007).
used for all new construction activities at the airport site.
4. Establishment of a policy regarding restrictions in the We involved our people in the selection of the values that
usage by aircraft of extra ground power supplies. reflect our corporate philosophy. This exercise was part
of the 2nd employee opinion survey that took place in
5. Tree-planting in a total area of 10,000 m2. November 2008, whereby AIA staff assessed the corporate
climate, expressed their views and identified areas for
6. Utilisation of recycled materials. improvement.

7. 40% Recycling Rate: In 2008, we exceeded this target The Airport Company employs 715 people under open-
with the recycling rate reaching 43%. ended contracts, with an average age of 40 years and
a high educational background. It is worth noting that
8. “Carpooling Scheme” for AIA staff transportation. 48% of our personnel have been recruited from the local
communities. We review staff performance regularly
Our comprehensive waste management system is based and identify opportunities to enhance people’s skills
on “The Polluter Pays” principle, promoting separation at and competencies. Aiming at a more measurable and
source and recycling. Of the total 15,515 tonnes of waste transparent system, in the year 2008, we applied a new
produced at the airport in 2008, 15,128 tonnes were Solid employee performance appraisal and development system.
Non Hazardous Waste, 354 tonnes were Hazardous Waste and
152kg were medical/clinical waste. Our recycling programmes More than half of AIA employees attended at least one
at the source, along with the financial incentives and other training session, leading to approx. 9,000 training hours
recycling initiatives, led to a very significant increase of the for 2008. Special emphasis has been given to a customised
amount of recyclables from 174 tonnes in 2001 (3% of training programme, the “AIA mBA”, which has been
total waste) to 6,567 tonnes in 2008 (43% of total waste). elaborated in cooperation with ALBA Graduate Business
During 2008, we also collected approximately 9 tonnes of School. Thirty-two AIA employees were selected to attend
recyclable materials from our Recycling Centre. the programme that started in October 2008 and is scheduled
to be completed by June 2009. Training courses, mainly on
AIA being one of the few airports worldwide operating its airport operation issues, have also been delivered to our
own Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), one of our practices for business partners within the airport community.
water savings is the use of treated wastewater from the STP
for irrigation. During 2008, the STP treated approximately The Airport Company encourages corporate team spirit
440,000 m3 of sewage. and supports athletic initiatives. During 2008, we were
proud to support our colleague, Paralympian athlete
Recognising that airport operations affect the lives of George Delikouras, for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Sailing
residents of the local communities, we address noise issues Competition, while for third consecutive year we participated
responsibly by taking measures to reduce annoyance to a in the “Europe Corporate Games” with 54 employees.
minimum, such as the establishment of Noise Abatement
Procedures, including the preferential runway use, and the
installation of noise monitoring terminals at residential
areas. Furthermore, we receive and respond to noise
complaints, from local communities’ citizens, through a
dedicated telephone line and the Internet. Lastly, in 2008,
we actively participated in the process for the development
of an updated Aircraft Noise Map and the revision of the
Noise Management Action Plan.

6.4 Responsible Employer

A critical aspect of AIA’s sustainability is to safeguard
that the company’s people work in a “healthy” working
environment, where employees are engaged, motivated and
being developed for the benefit of both the company’s and
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