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06. Corporate Responsibility

As an efficient airport manager and as a successful Moreover, as a member of the Hellenic Network for CSR, our
entrepreneur, we see to it that all our objectives and action environmental activities have been selected and promoted
plans balance across the four pillars of AIA’s Corporate in the network’s edition for the best corporate practices
Responsibility Policy: within the Greek market.

• Airport Operator’s Responsibility 6.1 Responsible Airport Operator

• Corporate Citizenship As a responsible airport operator, AIA leads the airport
community towards sustainable value creation for all
• Environmental Responsibility airport users, business partners, service providers and state
authorities, in a safe, orderly and efficient operational
• Employer’s Responsibility environment.

In the context of sound Corporate Governance, we operate in During adverse weather conditions in February 2008, the
compliance with the obligatory framework as well as beyond development of an airport community culture and our
that, incorporating wider moral, social and environmental constant cooperation with all our operational stakeholders
aspects. We fully appreciate that our everyday business enabled us to handle the situation efficiently, maintaining the
affects not only our organisation but also society, both highest possible level of safety and customer service.
through our own actions as well as through the actions
of those we do business with. In 2008, we engaged in the development of a Corporate
Business Continuity System, incorporating updated emergency
Our Corporate Responsibility policy is aligned with other procedures and the Corporate Communications Policy. The
related AIA policies, and our activities are monitored through system identifies and evaluates the impact of disruption
an indicator in the VBM Corporate KPIs. scenarios, sets continuity objectives, and relates to procedures
in force, for ensuring airport business continuity.
For 2008, corporate responsibility remained of prime focus
in our management approach. Consistent to our drive to be Further improving and enriching our facilities and services,
acknowledged as a role model responsible organisation, we introduced our airport free-press magazine “2board”,
in June 2008 we joined the international sustainability launched free access to the WIZ service, and enhanced web
initiative “UN Global Compact” and became committed access to our services (e.g. passenger comment management)
on top management level to supporting and advancing along with a series of “digital-age” services, such as e-check-
its principles within our sphere of influence. in and web check-in. To enhance facilitation of disabled
passengers and passengers with reduced mobility, 2 out
To improve the materiality and relevance of our sustainability of the 12 Internet access points dedicated to e-check-in
reporting system, we engaged in an external assurance of are accessible by PRM.
the Annual Corporate Responsibility Report, audited by a
competent certification firm. In 2008, we published our “House Rules”, approved by
the HCAA, sharing our principles with all airport users.
Our presence in various sustainability and business Furthermore, we maintained certification of our management
networking events gave us the opportunity to communicate systems (ISO 9001:2000 for IT&T Business Unit & ISO
our management practices and action plans. The CR 14001:2004 for Environmental Services department).
Report of 2007 was included in the benchmarking survey
for the 100 largest companies in Greece as part of the 6.2 Corporate Citizenship
national AccountabilityTM Rating survey, which evaluates
the sustainability disclosures versus criteria relating to Consistently promoting a close partnership relation, in 2008
strategy deployment, management systems and stakeholders we continued to align our business goals to the emerging
engagement. Athens International Airport ranked 4th for 2nd needs of the local and greater communities.
consecutive year. It is worth noting that we are one of the
few companies worldwide to have included accountability Local Communities
benchmarking scores in their declared corporate target. This
distinction came as a result of AIA’s meticulous planning Over the eight years of our operation, we have set
and implementation of related activities as well as of the corporate policies and action plans that reflect the actual
application of globally-acclaimed sustainability reporting needs of the local communities aiming at mutual respect
standards, such as the Guidelines of the Global Reporting and a balanced co-existence with our local stakeholders.
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