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Five airlines shared the domestic cargo market, three of which Tourism Development 2007
–namely, Aeroland, Swiftair Hellas, and Veravia– exclusively The increasing trend of incoming passengers flying for
operating cargo flights. Olympic Airlines and Aegean Airlines tourism in Athens is evident during the last few years. In
remained the leaders in the particular market, operating only 007, foreign tourists experienced a significant increase
passenger aircraft. Almost 75% of total international traffic of 18% compared to the previous year. More specifically,
was carried by 10 airlines. The top-ten list, headed by Olympic foreign tourist arrivals reached . million, with residents
Airlines, comprises the following carriers: DHL – European Air from the United States at the top of the ranking, numbering
Transport, Lufthansa, UPS, Emirates, British Airways, TNT, Delta, 440,000 travellers. Within Europe, the main originating
Aegean Airlines and Alitalia. DHL-European Air Transport, UPS country of incoming tourism is France, followed by the
and TNT operated cargo flights only, while Lufthansa and United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Alitalia included both passenger and cargo flights in their

Passenger Profile
In 007, Greek residents held a 48% share of total traffic at
Athens, reaching 7.9 million passengers, an increase of 7%.
The respective number of foreign residents was 8.6 million
passengers, growing by 1%. The proportion of passengers
travelling on business represents a considerable % of total
traffic. However, leisure travellers are growing fast, gaining
market share, and reaching 68% of total passenger volume
in 007 (see Chart 4.1). Of the leisure travellers, 71% flew
on vacation and % visited friends and relatives.

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