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4. Market Overview 2007

Key Developments 2007
007 was a year of great performance for Athens International
Airport. The year closed with the airport welcoming 16.5
million passengers, corresponding to a significant increase
of 10%, well above the European average. A considerable
traffic increase was observed in both the domestic and
international markets. Domestic passengers reached 6 million,
breaking for the first time the 000 all-time record, while
international passengers amounted to 10.6 million, for the
first time crossing the 10-million threshold.

By adding 10 new destinations, Athens International Airport
offered in 007 direct scheduled services to 116 destinations
in 50 countries, by 70 airlines. In addition, 15 new carriers
launched scheduled operations to/from Athens International
Airport (see Table 4.1). The considerable network expansion
proves the successful implementation of AIA’s consistent
aeronautical strategy.

Aircraft movements presented a considerable rise as well,
growing by 8%, for the first time crossing the 00-thousand
mark. International flights grew twice as quickly compared to
the domestic ones (10% vs. 5%), demonstrating the strong
dynamics of the international market (see Chart 4.). Cargo
uplift, however, could not maintain the record levels of 006,
and remained almost at previous-year levels (-1.0%) reaching
119,000 tonnes. This was mainly due to the weaker freight
growth noticed worldwide, and the intense competition
from other transportation means, mainly shipping and road
transport (see Chart 4.)

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