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P. 104
TRAVELLER'S EXPERIENCE You are departing from the Athens Interna- to go directly to a self-service kiosk for an easy
tional Airport full of experiences and memo- drop off of your bags. And you and your air-
AND MAKE YOUR TRIP ries of a beautiful country and its people. This line can always track your bag, minimizing
is the time to reflect on the stunning Parthe- the risk to arrive in your destination without
MORE ENJOYABLE AND non and the Museum of Acropolis, on the your bag. That was easy.
majestic view of Caldera in Santorini, on the But first you need to arrive at the airport. Book
MEMORABLE. warm hospitality of the landlord of the apart- a “flying taxi” to the airport, that depends on
ment you stayed in Chania, Crete. A bit disap- the eVTOL (electrical Vertical Take Off and
ΟΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΕΣ pointed that the experience is over, you want to Landing) technology. You pick up the flying taxi
cheer up thinking about your next vacations. from the “vertiport” near you (a hub to park
ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ ΕΝΙΣΧΥΟΥΝ Where should you go, when to plan, although your car and pick up the flying taxi) and in a
the cumbersome experience of travelling is al- few minutes, after cutting all the heavy traffic
ΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΩΤΙΚΗ ways in the back of your mind: heavy traffic to in your city, you arrive at the airport on time
and from the airport, long lines for check in and safely. That was something!
ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ, ΚΑΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΟ and immigrations clearance, and long wait- Now the biometrics technology makes your life
ing in the airport until your flight departs. much easier. By linking your driver’s license/
ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΠΙΟ ΑΠΟΛΑΥΣΤΙΚΟ Well, not quite. Through the Μetaverse, an im- passport and flight details to your facial biom-
mersive virtual reality experience, where you etric, the biometrics technology allows you for
ΚΑΙ ΑΞΙΟΜΝΗΜΟΝΕΥΤΟ. can interact with digital objects and digital rep- a low-touch or even contactless experience go-
resentations of yourself (your avatar) and oth- ing through (in seconds) from check-in, secu-
ers, you can immerse in the locations of your rity and immigration control check points. No
next vacations and decide where should you long lines anymore. This is why you are among
be. You easily decide and you certainly make the 73% of passengers, as IATA reports, who
sure to book your tickets in advance since air are willing to share their biometric data with
traveling becomes a challenge, especially after the airport authorities and avoid all the hassle
the COVID-19 pandemic. of long ques and boring waiting in the line.
Or perhaps not? The time of your trip ap- This is great, but now there is much time left
by Kostas Axarloglou/Dean proaches and you start thinking the long com- until your flight departs. Now it is time to “sit
and Professor of Strategy and mute to the airport and the long lines there. back, relax and enjoy” your shopping, enter-
International Relations, Alba But biometrics and the digital bag tags tech- tainment and learning. You log in a platform
Graduate Business School, The nology allows you to identify your bag with at the airport that works on an Augmented Re-
American College of Greece yourself, and when you arrive at the airport, ality and Virtual Reality and have an immer-
TRAVELLER'S EXPERIENCE You are departing from the Athens Interna- to go directly to a self-service kiosk for an easy
tional Airport full of experiences and memo- drop off of your bags. And you and your air-
AND MAKE YOUR TRIP ries of a beautiful country and its people. This line can always track your bag, minimizing
is the time to reflect on the stunning Parthe- the risk to arrive in your destination without
MORE ENJOYABLE AND non and the Museum of Acropolis, on the your bag. That was easy.
majestic view of Caldera in Santorini, on the But first you need to arrive at the airport. Book
MEMORABLE. warm hospitality of the landlord of the apart- a “flying taxi” to the airport, that depends on
ment you stayed in Chania, Crete. A bit disap- the eVTOL (electrical Vertical Take Off and
ΟΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΕΣ pointed that the experience is over, you want to Landing) technology. You pick up the flying taxi
cheer up thinking about your next vacations. from the “vertiport” near you (a hub to park
ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΕΣ ΕΝΙΣΧΥΟΥΝ Where should you go, when to plan, although your car and pick up the flying taxi) and in a
the cumbersome experience of travelling is al- few minutes, after cutting all the heavy traffic
ΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΩΤΙΚΗ ways in the back of your mind: heavy traffic to in your city, you arrive at the airport on time
and from the airport, long lines for check in and safely. That was something!
ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ, ΚΑΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΟ and immigrations clearance, and long wait- Now the biometrics technology makes your life
ing in the airport until your flight departs. much easier. By linking your driver’s license/
ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΠΙΟ ΑΠΟΛΑΥΣΤΙΚΟ Well, not quite. Through the Μetaverse, an im- passport and flight details to your facial biom-
mersive virtual reality experience, where you etric, the biometrics technology allows you for
ΚΑΙ ΑΞΙΟΜΝΗΜΟΝΕΥΤΟ. can interact with digital objects and digital rep- a low-touch or even contactless experience go-
resentations of yourself (your avatar) and oth- ing through (in seconds) from check-in, secu-
ers, you can immerse in the locations of your rity and immigration control check points. No
next vacations and decide where should you long lines anymore. This is why you are among
be. You easily decide and you certainly make the 73% of passengers, as IATA reports, who
sure to book your tickets in advance since air are willing to share their biometric data with
traveling becomes a challenge, especially after the airport authorities and avoid all the hassle
the COVID-19 pandemic. of long ques and boring waiting in the line.
Or perhaps not? The time of your trip ap- This is great, but now there is much time left
by Kostas Axarloglou/Dean proaches and you start thinking the long com- until your flight departs. Now it is time to “sit
and Professor of Strategy and mute to the airport and the long lines there. back, relax and enjoy” your shopping, enter-
International Relations, Alba But biometrics and the digital bag tags tech- tainment and learning. You log in a platform
Graduate Business School, The nology allows you to identify your bag with at the airport that works on an Augmented Re-
American College of Greece yourself, and when you arrive at the airport, ality and Virtual Reality and have an immer-