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STUDING, WRITING, ACTING that travel has to offer. Besides, the συγκίνηση, ανάλογα με την περίσταση
Author of over 440 papers and over 50 books in modern “Kosmopolis” (and let us leave κατα την οποία θα προφερθεί, η
several languages, Prof. Tassios intervenes in the the pointless grumbling against genuine ανάλογα με τη φράση μέσα στην οποία
public life as scientist and intellectual. / Συγγραφέας Globalisation behind) is not possible θα τύχει να περιλαμβάνεται. Ωστόσο,
περισσότερων από 400 δημοσιεύσεων και 50 βιβλίων, without travel. This dual realization will άν θεωρήσομε οτι το ερώτημα αφορά
ο καθηγητής Θ. Τάσιος παρεμβαίνει στη δημόσια ζωή do us good, I think. έννοιες μάλλον, θα αναφερόμουν
ως επιστήμονας και διανοούμενος. -Given your important contribution to the στην «πολιτική αυτοσυνειδησία» –
intellectual scene, what has given you the το έλλειμμα της οποίας μεγαλώνει
been gaining ground consistently over the greatest joy?  ταχύτατα στη χώρα μας και σ’ όλον τον
last forty years. And I consider the voices The beginning of the question does not κόσμο, δυστυχώς. Με συγκινεί λοιπόν
who make thunderous statements that “we fit me at all. Still, a comparable question αυτή η έννοια, απ’ την οποία εξαρτάται
have no democracy” as deeply anti-populist. might fit anyone-of-us. In fact, I assume και το μέλλον των Συνανθρώπων μας.
Nevertheless, as we were saying, democracy that the respective answers would also be -Ζούμε στην εποχή του κατακερματισμένου
is won-and-lost every day. The road ahead fairly similar. Indeed, since the term “joy” ανθρώπου. Πώς νομίζετε ότι θα
is long – especially now that the buzz-word is experiential, the descriptions of this πορευτούμε σε αυτήν;
of democracy (acquiescence) is besieged by type of happiness will share this quality Εξαρτάται απ’ το νόημα που δίνομε στον
two-coloured fluff, unfortunately all over and be just that – experiential. Anyhow, in όρο «κατακερματισμός»: Άν δηλώνει το
the world. my-case the most joy-inducing and long μέγα πλήθος των ενδιαφερόντων μας,
-Your latest book discusses the relationship lasting experience was my-Co-Existence τότε αφενός τούτο συνιστά μια θετική
between humans and animals. To what with my-wife (whom I lost recently) – a ανθρώπινη ιδιότητα (περισσότερες
extent can hierarchical relationships stand hedonic experience of Being, shaped over γνώσεις, περισσότερες ευαισθησίες),
for equality? the course of decades. κι αφετέρου δέν είναι κάτι καινούργιο.
The word “equality” between humans -Ποια από τις λέξεις της γλώσσας μας σας Continued on page 230
and animals is nonexistent in my book. συγκινεί (ακόμα);
The words understanding and empathy, Η κάθε λέξη (ακόμα κι η πιό
exist. “Animal Societies”, this is the title «ασήμαντη») μπορεί να προκαλέσει
of the book (Angelakis, Athens, 2018),
are important forerunners of human
societies. The knowledge of the logical and
communication skills of animals (including
their-language skills) offers a great joy to
Man. At the end of the day, in the midst
of the abiotic and cold endlessness of
the Universe, animals are our-warm-
companions in the skandalon of Life.
-What is missing from Athens, and what is
there too much of?
Let us not repeat “what is missing” here
as well. But I am glad to say that there are
not too many theatres”.
-What does the word journey mean to you? 
For hundreds of thousands of years,
humans were a nomadic species.
Therefore, the short time we have been
sitting down on our fields and in our
cities is not enough to allay our quasi-
instinctual relationship with journeys
and travel. And here, the existential need
of Change is obvious: regarding people,
places, food and experiences, everything

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