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Α Athens insider's guide


Race of legends
Its concept may have travelled far beyond Greece, but the marathon remains inextricably
linked with its birthplace. | Μπορεί η ιδέα του να έχει ξεπεράσει τα σύνορα, ο Μαραθώνιος όμως
συνδέεται άρρηκτα με τη γενέτειρα πόλη του.


T he legend of the Athens Μarathon began famous phrase nenikekamen (“we have won”), to the marathon became the symbol of the contribu-
with a triumphant victory in ancient times, this year’s international event of the 33rd Athens tion of the ancient Greeks to the sports movement
before developing into a major endurance Marathon, the race is the ultimate test of any run- thanks to the famous French classical philologist
race honoured by the participation of tens ner. It is, at the same time, a “bridge that connects Michel Bréal, French educator and historian Pierre
of thousands in November each year. From the her- legend and history, while showcasing the de Coubertin who came up with the idea of holding
oism of Pheidippides, who 2,500 years ago ran 42 strength of human will and spirit”, as not- the first modern Olympic Games, and to Greek in-
kilometres from Marathon to Athens as a messen- ed by the organizers. The modern history tellectual Demetrios Vikelas, the first president of
ger carrying the news of victory in the great battle of the race began in 1896 with the re- the International Olympic Committee. The winner
against the Persians, which he delivered with the vival of the Olympic Games, when
of the first Olympic Marathon in 1896 was Spyros

490 B.C 1894 1896 1955

On 11 September, At a congress in Paris on 23 Spyros Louis won the first The first Athens Classic
Pheidippides ran the “first” June, Athens was chosen to Olympic Marathon on 15 Marathon is staged.
marathon, carrying news of the Greek stage the first modern Olympic April with a time of 2:58:50. Πραγματοποιείται η
victory at the Battle of Marathon. | Στις 11/9 ο Games. | Σε συνέδριο στο Ο Σπύρος Λούης έκοψε διεξαγωγή του πρώτου
Φειδιππίδης διένυσε τον «πρώτο» μαραθώνιο Παρίσι επιλέχθηκε στις 23/6 η πρώτος το νήμα στις 15/4 Κλασικού Μαραθωνίου
μετά τη νίκη στη Μάχη του Μαραθώνα. Αθήνα για την αναβίωση των με χρόνο 2:58:50. στην πόλη.
Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων.

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