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P. 138
Jul-Sep | 15 Business Personal best


Fly me to the world
Achilles Chatzinikos, the man behind TripInView, talks about the global digital platform that
takes us on a video and photo journey to places we didn’t even know existed. | Ο Αχιλλέας
Χατζηνίκος, ενας απο τουσ ιδρυτεσ του tripinview, μιλάει για την παγκόσμια ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα,
που μας ταξιδεύει με βίντεο και φωτογραφίες σε μέρη που ούτε καν φανταζόμασταν ότι υπάρχουν.
F ly over any coastal location or island
in the Mediterranean; explore each of Mediterranean countries through a combina- and at some point you want to see the correspond-
beach, cove and shore up close; see tion of visual media, namely aerial photos and ing photo, detailed or panoramic, you can simply
– like never before – the real dimen- videos taken from a helicopter. switch from video to photo and vice-versa, that is
It represents a quite unique project that features to say, videos and photographs are interlinked, in

sions of the destinations where you not one but seven innovations. 1. Simultaneous the sense that one begins where the other ends,

plan to spend your holidays. Thanks to tripinview. filming and photographing of coastlines, including depending on what users want to see. 6. The map

com and an innovative application for iOS and very wide-angle panoramic shots (overview photo layer) is not simply a means for marking the location

soon Android too, you are invited to go on an en- but also close-ups showing incredible detail (de- of the visual material but is also and a means of

chanting, virtual journey that will reveal all the tailed/zoom photo layer). 2. The coastline of each navigating through it; that is to say, the Map is also

secrets of summer destinations along the coasts country is captured by photos and videos “metre the controller of videos and photographs and by

of Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Monaco, Portugal by metre”. 3. All filming and photographing is aer- clicking on Map you actually command the video

and Malta. With 600,000+ photographs and 250+ ial, from a manned helicopter. 4. The entire visual to fast forward/backwards and the same for pho-

hours of videos, which capture 32,000 kilome- spectacle is presented free of charge on the Trip- tos also. 7. For the first time, hotels and points of

tres of coastline, including 339 destinations and InView web platform. 5. The visual material that is interest are denoted by pushpins on their actual,

7,727 places of interest such as beaches, mari- presented is not only geotagged but also synchro- respective photograph, not somewhere “rough-

nas, harbours, villages and towns. nized. TripInView introduces a world first with its ly” on the map. In addition, TripInView introduces

What exactly is TripInView and what is the innovative InTriSynchron® (Interactive Tri-media another world first with its innovative InTriSync®

project’s innovation? Synchronization) technology for videos, panoramic (Interactive Tri-media Synchronization) technolo-

TripInView is a globally original Internet platform (overview) and closeup (detailed) photographs. Ba- gy for videos, panoramic (overview) and close-up

that presents the entire coastline of a number sically, this means that if you are watching a video (detailed) photographs. Basically, this means that

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