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House W e bet that just five minutes ago, you used Ιts iso 9001 and iso 27001 certifications regarding
one of the Greek smart cards in one of
the management of personal data allow for the
production of iD cards that comply with european
your exchanges or communications. the
of cards demanding needs of the automated age motivate union security standards, such as invisible ink,
the Greek smart Card industry (eBeK) to evolve
holograms, laser printing. Furthermore, they
have undertaken the production of special cards,
and expand its products and ideas, thus providing
If you thInk you do not know quality cards at low prices in minimal time. in such as student passess and student iDs. the
company produces approximately 20,000 cards
addition, eBeK exports to Cyprus, Albania, serbia,
about Greek smart cards, Bulgaria, rumania, Georgia, Armenia, the united per day. Following an international Competition
just take a look In your Kingdom, Germany, FYrom and many more. that took place in may 2014, eBeK will now also
supply cards to Greek universities. this card also
Hellenic smart Card Corporation (HsCC) began
wallet. | Αν νομίζετε οτί production in 2001 with phone cards for the has a crypto-processor. From 2003, eBeK has
δε γνωρίζετε τίς ελληνίκες Hellenic telecommunications organisation (ote). produced more than 60 million scratch cards
for ΟΤΕ, teLLAs, ViVoDi, HeLLAs on Line,
since then, HsCC has delivered over 150 million
εξυπνες κΑρτες, ΑπλΑ ρίξτε μίΑ phone cards to ote and other telecom operators, FortHnet, ALGonet, ALteC, otenet, otesAt
μΑτίΑ ςτο πορτοφολί ςΑς. including romteLeCom, teLeKom srBiJA, and other companies. today, they can produce
any type of plastic cards, from regular plastic,
CYtA and ArmenteL. in June 2014, HsCC won
an international tender for the manufacture of transparent, gold or silver with barcodes and
13,500,000 cards for ote. this procurement will with magnetic strips (such as the ones used in
meet ote’s needs until 2020. HsCC produces cards hotels), to cards with chips, with rFiD (inductive
of the highest quality and in 2005 received an award like the ones used to enter or exit resorts) and
for the best phone card from the international crypto-processors (such as credit cards). eBeK
Card manufacturers Association (iCmA). has the ability to personalize cards (thermal

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