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P. 50
5 days

R epresenting the urban application of Darwin’s theory, Stockholm is evolving
into a glorious example of a European city, where urban rhythms do not
influence the natural landscape and its 57 bridges unite the city’s unique
industrial facade with history, local flavours and everything the sea can offer.


I board the train that will take me to the city centre in just 20 min.; from
there, I take the train to Sveavägen st. where I check in to the charm-
ing, brand new Miss Clara, the newest member of Design Hotels™ that
opened last April. The former Ateneum girl’s school is opening its Art
Nouveau doors once more and I will spend 5 days in its minimal interiors
( My first excursion to verdant Skeppsholmen island
awaits, but not before I admire the excellent collection of artworks by Pi-
casso, Dali, Matisse and others at the Modern Museum (modernamuseet.
se), while also indulging in a wonderful lunch of seasonal salads and fra-
grant soups at the museum restaurant ( I then hike
around the Ecopark, the enormous national park that includes 3 natural
parks and 4 islands ( After sunset I return to the
hotel for dinner – creative Swedish cuisine at its finest.


I begin my day in the Östermalm area and the National Museum of Sci-
ence and Technology ( I then head to Karlplan Sq.
and the Swedish History Museum to learn about Disa, a young Viking girl
named by the archaeologists who discovered her remains (
Another discovery is the historic Östermalm’s Saluhall market, featuring
wooden stalls decked in local cheeses and cooked meats, and several res-
taurants where I indulge fresh seafood ( I contin-
ue towards the impressive Art Nouveau structure of the Royal Dramatic
Theatre ( and cross Brezelii Park on the way to Hallwyl Mu-
seum to admire Lars Nilsson’s impressive collection of 270 unique hats
(until 8/6, On the edge of the small gulf I come
across the National Museum, while on my way back to the centre I stop
to take pictures of the Royal Swedish Opera (Kungliga Operan) in Gus-
tav Adolf Sq. ( For dinner, I opt for the inventive menu se-
lections at Sturehof with views of bustling Stureplan Sq. (

Today I will visit the sites on Djurgarden, my first stop being the Nordic
Museum (, followed by Vasa Museum, which boasts
the world’s only preserved Viking warship, salvaged almost intact in 1961
( A pit stop at Bla Porten for savoury croissants and straw-
berry tarts in the garden ( and I head towards Skansen,
Sweden’s first outdoor museum that also features a zoo ( I
walk past the Junibacken children’s museum ( and the small
Tivoli Gröna Lund amusement park (, before following
the picturesque pathway to Beckholmen island – the ABBA museum that
opened last May is a must ( After an early dinner
at luxurious Oaxen Krog (, I enjoy a performance of
Ghost musical at the Cirkus Arena theatre (

The Photography Museum is what initially drew me to Stadsgarden wharf
(, followed by the 17th century building that houses the
history of Stockholm – Stadsmuseet Museum (
se). And after replenishing my energy levels with traditional bites at Pel-

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