Page 24 - teyxos_13






Page 24 - teyxos_13
P. 24

T he sense of serenity I felt when I arrived the hotel as my base once I had purchased my new The waterfront
on Lesvos was extremely powerful, and house and begun renovating it. at Petra, a great
my feeling of connection to the island Dimitri, the owners’ son, always found space for place to sit and
only grew over the hours and days of our me even in the height of summer, and I was given watch the fabulous
stay. Our destination was a little hotel on a key during the winter months when it was closed. Aegean sunsets.
a small working harbour in Molyvos. [...]We drove I loved drifting off to sleep to the sound of glasses Η προκυμαία
through all types of landscape, from dense green clinking, knives and forks against plates, chatter and της Πέτρας,
pine forests to salt flats where flamingos rest on laughter as people enjoyed themselves in the small ένα θαυμάσιο
their yearly migration to Africa. [...] We left the car restaurants below, traditional Greek music always μέρος για να
at the outskirts of the harbour and walked along its in the background. παρακολουθήσει
edge, where colourful fishing boats gently bobbed Often I would go out onto the balcony and watch κανείς τα
up and down and tourists filled the bustling taver- the fishermen departing before sunrise. We waved εκπληκτικά
nas and cafes. Cats and the odd dog hung around, to each other as they steered their small fishing ηλιοβασιλέματα
hoping for food scraps or, better still, some affec- boats out of the bay. Not long after, day broke and στο Αιγαίο.
tion. The locals say that if you look back towards the swallows nesting in nearby eaves started to sing,
Molyvos when departing, you will be drawn back ending the night’s silence with harmony.
again and again and, in some cases, never leave; the Domenica and I started each day with fresh fruit,
charm has certainly worked on me. Greek yoghurt, honey and nuts at a table by the har-
We arrived at the Sea Horse Hotel and were wel- bour’s edge, then headed off to explore. In the eve-
comed warmly by the proprietor, Stergios, and his nings we’d return for a drink before moving on to
wife Toula. Our simple rooms were on the second one of the local restaurants for a delicious dinner.
floor and had full-length shutters opening on to a During the week we drove all around the island and
small balcony with spectacular views; I would en- under the warm spring sunshine I decided to look
joy many stunning sunsets from this balcony. I used for a place to live.

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