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028athens insider's guide the guest
PERSONAL VIEW OF ATHENS WITH 2BOARD | μεταφέρει εικονεσ της
Ελλάδας σε καθε χωρα, σε καθε ηπειρο. Ο ανταποκριτής του BBC,
Mark Lowen, περιγράφει στο 2Board τη ΔΙΚΗ ΤΟΥ Αθήνα.

How long have you been living in Athens? Was it back if they could. I’ve become so fond of the place derly people and families. But I’ll never forget oth-
hard for you to settle here at first? that it’s sometimes hard to maintain my objectivity er experiences too – trips out of Athens to other
I’ve been living here for a year but it feels like a lot when reporting on it! I sympathise a lot with what fabulous parts of the country, nights out with new
longer – simply because it’s been such a packed people are going through – how could you not? - friends, learning Greek and lazy afternoons stroll-
twelve months! I settled in quickly, partly as I’d lived but I hope it’s not crude to say that as a journalist, ing through this city.
in Belgrade for 2 ½ years before and they feel like it has been a fascinating experience watching this Do you have any favorite spots that you would
similar cities – both very warm, friendly and out- crisis unfold. I feel very privileged to be here – and recommend to a friend from abroad?
doorsy. And that Athenian sunshine makes it easy I only hope I’ll stay long enough to see the country Lycavittos for the view, my favourite bars in Mo-
to feel settled – my friends in freezing London are get back on its feet and the smiles return. nastiraki and Exarcheia, the restaurant roads like
very jealous! Do you think that the international audience has Troon in Petralona, the Cycladic Art museum and the
How would you describe life in Athens? What ex- an clear, accurate view of what’s happening in beaches of the south. And that’s just for starters…
cites you about this city and what disappoints you? Athens right now? Which are the places and elements that reveal to
Athens is a sexy city. It’s not elegant in the Paris- Often no. A visitor over the summer said that when you the city’s rich history and which are the ones
ian or Viennese way, but it’s got edge and energy. he told his friends he was coming, they asked if that shape its modern identity?
I love that about a place – the more time I spend he’d still find food in the shops. Unfortunately, the The two eras are shoulder-to-shoulder here –
here, the more I discover exciting hidden corners. images of Molotov cocktails and tear gas are what that’s one of the things that makes the city so cool.
But it’s also congested, noisy and in parts quite dirty. sticks. So it’s my job to go deeper. It is complex – That the Acropolis can be a stone’s throw from the
It has a character of its own and I enjoy showing many people don’t understand the intricacies of screeching bars of Gazi encapsulates that ancient/
visitors around and seeing their surprise when it deficit reduction or budget surpluses, so the way modern symbiosis. The language always reminds
defies their expectations. It is an exhausting city at the story here should be told is through how it’s af- me of the ancient culture while the consumerism
times but I feel it reflects the Greek character: full fecting ordinary people. of the centre is as modern as you’d find in any Euro-
of emotion, loud and bursting with fun. Which are your most memorable experiences pean city. But I’m yet to try one of the modern gems
How do you feel about your presence here dur- from your stay so far? – a bouzouki bar. It’s next on my list!
ing those turbulent times? Professionally it’s been covering the big stories: Πόσο καιρό ζείτε στην Αθήνα; Ήταν δύσκολο να
I meet a lot of people who are having a very tough the elections, the huge demonstrations, but also προσαρμοστείτε στην αρχή;
time – and yet they would give you the shirt off their the stories that have moved me the most, with el- ’Ήρθα πριν από ένα χρόνο, αλλά μου φαίνεται σαν
να έχει περάσει πολύ περισσότερος καιρός, διότι
Athens reflects the Greek character: full
of emotion, loud and bursting with fun | Η
αθηνα αντανακλά την ελληνική ιδιοσυγκρασια:
συναισθηματική, εξωστρεφής και διασκεδαστικη.

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