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P. 39
Nikos Kasseris

Rhodes’ image maker

His photographs of Greece, but mainly of the
Dodecanese and Rhodes, have become the
country’s shining ambassadors throughout the
world. | Οι φωτογραφίες του από την Ελλάδα, και
κυρίως από τα Δωδεκάνησα και τη Ρόδο, έγιναν
λαμπεροί πρεσβευτές της χώρας σε όλον τον κόσμο.

Interview by Elena Siampou

© ZORAN GAJIC His lens has captured almost all of at a particular moment, and be genuinely moved. I Islands to Macedonia and Thrace.
Greece for travel guides and in- have been living in the Medieval Town for over 15 Where did you learn the art of photography?
ternational tourism agencies’ bro- years, and I have a photograph of one its corners that In 1973 I had the fortune of serving in Larissa at
chures. But Rhodes and the Dode- acquired interest owing to the light of the moment. the Aerial Photography Interpretation Center, at
canese hold a special place in his What is your favourite subject matter? the time the country’s most contemporary photo
artistic glance, as reflected in his books and exhibi- As I said, I essentially work with light. However, I lab after Kodak’s. In just one and a half months I
tions around the world. Looking beyond the obvi- also take pictures of places I find interesting (ar- learned the techniques of taking and printing pic-
ous relationship with his homeland, this conversation chaeological sites, a port in Rhodes in construction tures! Until then, the dark room was a secret to me.
with Nikos Kasseris reveals his insatiable passion for since 1964 that has yet to be completed). The vil- For that reason, in 1985, when I was working at the
capturing the perpetually elusive – light and time – lage of Olympos in Karpathos, which I have been Bank of Greece and in collaboration with the Mu-
but also an artistic perspicacity he has developed since photographing since 1981, is one of those places. nicipality of Rhodes, we organised the first pho-
his youth with unabating persistence and devotion. I do not think anyone has worked on a place so tography seminars where I taught for free during
much, as I have with Olympos. It is a more per- the afternoons –because I strongly believed that
Youstudiedeconomics.Whydid youchangepaths? sonal work, one that I have not yet exhibited, on- the dark room should not be dark but «open» to
I did not change paths after my studies. On the con- ly in sections. You can clearly trace the evolution as many people as possible.
trary, I changed everything for photography. Upon and changes that have taken place in the land and Who has influenced you the most?
finishing high school I found myself with a camera the people over time. It is characteristic that while The first was the iconic photographer Josef Koudel-
in my hands and from that moment, I never stopped they used to get annoyed when they saw a photog- ka. When I first met him in Karpathos, in 1984, I
taking pictures. However, I studied economics at rapher, today, not only do they accept being pho- did not know who he was but, of course, after get-
the «Higher School for Industrial Studies» because tographed but they even get upset when you do not ting to know him, he greatly influenced my profes-
there were no photography courses in the 1970s. In take their picture. The last time I photographed sional life. The second person, also a great photog-
time, I gave up a position at the Bank of Greece and Olympos I was with Nikos Economopoulos and I rapher, is Nikos Economopoulos, with whom I later
a teaching position to devote myself to photography. said, «Niko, I think I will close with this picture» collaborated on two books, one on Thrace (along
Out of all the art forms, why photography? –it features a woman from Karpathos, Anna Zo- with Tasos Vrettos) and one on Rhodes (with Peter
Photography – just like cinema – is a relatively new grafidis, milking a goat with one hand and talking Marlow and Ferdinando Scianna). I feel very fortu-
art form –compared to painting for example. The on her mobile phone with the other, while a sec- nate to have met people I deeply respect.
fact that in recent years photography has become ond mobile phone hangs from her belt! (photo) Re- What are your plans for the future?
very democratic is also extremely interesting: anyone cently, my interest is in historical photography and At the moment, I am preparing a big exhibition called
can raise a camera or a telephone and take a picture. especially Byzantine icon painting, on the occasion Suspended Landscapes, curated by the internation-
Moreover, contrary to video that requires collabo- of my collaboration with the Research Centre for ally acclaimed art critic Eleni Varopoulos. It will be
rative work, photography is more of a lonely sport. Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art of the Academy inaugurated at the Museum of Modern Greek Art
What makes a photograph significant? of Athens (initially with Professor Manolis Hatz- of the Municipality of Rhodes on 5 August. But my
First of all the subject. Then, the light –it is never the idakis and now with Professor Panagiotis Votoko- dream is to complete the Cultural Center - Art Ho-
same. You may walk by the same place all the time poulos) that aims to record such works through- tel I have been working on since 1997, in a privately
and suddenly view the light from a different angle, out Greece, from the Dodecanese and the Ionian owned space in Rhodes’ Medieval Town.

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