Athens International Airport - Mr. Alfred van der Meer takes over the General Management of Athens International Airport as from today
16 OCTOBER 2002
Mr. Alfred van der Meer takes over the General Management of Athens International Airport as from today

The new CEO of Athens International Airport, Mr. Alfred van der Meer

From the Press Conference on 16-10-2002:
Mr. Alfred van der Meer, new CEO of Athens International Airport during his speech

From the Press Conference on 16-10-2002: Departing CEO of Athens International Airport, Dr. Matthias Mitscherlich addresses the panel:
From left to right: Dr Yiannis Paraschis, Deputy CEO, Mr Alfred van der Meer, CEO, Professor Kostis Vaitsos, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Dr. Jeanette Choisi, Press Office Manager

Mr. Alfred van der Meer officially took over today his responsibilities as Chief Executive Officer of "Athens International Airport S.A." (AIA).

In a Press Conference that took place this morning on the occasion of the change in AIA's General Management, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professor Costis Vaitsos, expressed his cordial thanks to departing CEO, Dr. Matthias Mitscherlich, for his valuable contribution to the Airport Company during both the pre-operational period, as well as during the decisive period from airport opening to date. Professor Vaitsos then welcomed and addressed his warmest wishes to the new CEO, Mr. Alfred van der Meer, who is now taking the company's "steering wheel" in his hands. Having acquired long international experience in the airport business, Mr. van der Meer will secure the successful continuation of the management and operation of Athens International Airport.

Taking the floor, Mr. van der Meer stated that this was a "very special day" for him, taking over the management of such a young and successful airport, which, in the mere 18 months since its inauguration, has secured for itself a firm position as one of the best airports in the world".

The new CEO of Athens International Airport thanked the Minister of Transport & Communications, Dr. Christos Verelis, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AIA S.A., Professor Costis Vaitsos, and the Members of the Board of Directors, for their confidence.

Mr. van der Meer concluded: "Åach one of us is personally committed to secure the provision of optimum services to our passengers and customers, thus continuing the success of Athens International Airport."

The departing CEO, Dr. Matthias Mitscherlich, personally congratulated Mr. van der Meer, underlining that, under the leadership of Mr. van der Meer, a professional of vast experience, the Airport will undoubtedly continue its successful course in a spirit of team work and cooperation.

Dr. Matthias Mitscherlich, who is stepping down from his position as CEO (a position he held as from July 2000), after a very successful tenure at the head of the Airport Company, pointed out that "Athens airport has achieved much more in the short time since its inauguration than all forecasts predicted, gaining a place among the best airports in the world". "This success", added Dr. Mitscherlich, "is due to the hard work and team spirit of all those who work there, the productive cooperation of all the members of the airport community, and the close working relationship between the Greek state and the private sector".