Athens International Airport - Athens International Airport S.A. - Positive financial performance in 2005
08 JUNE 2006
Athens International Airport S.A. - Positive financial performance in 2005

Continuing its positive track record, Athens International Airport’s (AIA) posted positive financial results for 2005, with total revenue of € 331.4 million (+0.5% compared to 2004), while pre-tax profit rose significantly, reaching € 61.8 million (+31%), as a result of the decrease of financing and operating expenditure.

With passenger traffic having reached 14.3 million in 2005, surpassing the 2004 "Olympic" record by 4.5%, AIA posted an increase of 2.8% in aeronautical revenues, contributing by 61% to the total revenue of the company. On the basis of relevant agreement with the airlines, AIA maintained airport charges at last year’s levels, thus supporting its airline partners in reducing their operating costs.

Non-aeronautical revenues continued to constitute a significant part of AIA’s total revenues (39% in 2005).

Moreover, the Airport Company managed to contain its operating expenses at the level of € 208.3 million, achieving a decrease of 2.8% compared to the previous year.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose by 4.1% to € 224.1 million. Furthermore, in 2005 the company proceeded to reduce its debt by repaying the principal amount (€ 45 million) of the private shareholders loan, thus contributing to the reduction of the financing expenses for the specific period, but also for the forthcoming years. Pre-tax Profit reached € 61.8 million, showing an increase of 31% against 2004.

The Management of Athens International Airport S.A. commented: “The sustained growth of profitability marking the 5 years of operation of Athens International Airport, confirms the success of the public-private partnership, as well as the airport’s contribution as a major development engine for Greek tourism and economy. We pledge to continue offering quality, competitive services to all our customers and added value to our shareholders, while consistently contributing as a responsible citizen to the neighbouring communities and the Greek society at large.”