Athens International Airport - Athens International Airport S.A. - Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – Mr. Loukas Papazoglou new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Athens International Airport S.A.
28 MAY 2008
Athens International Airport S.A. - Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders – Mr. Loukas Papazoglou new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Athens International Airport S.A.

The General Assembly of Shareholders of Athens International Airport S.A. elected today the new Board of Directors, which consists of:

Mr. Loukas Papazoglou
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dr. Harald Peipers
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dr. Jacques F. Poos
Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Reinhard Kalenda
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Michail Kefalogiannis
Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Peter Noé
Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Ioannis Sidiropoulos
Member of the Board of Directors

Prof. NTUA Dimitrios Tsamboulas
Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Hans – Georg Vater
Member of the Board of Directors

The new Chairman of Athens International Airport S.A., Mr. Loukas Papazoglou, Secretary General of the Treasury & Privatisation, Ministry of Economy & Finance, is succeeding Professor Kostis Vaitsos, who was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Airport Company from 2001 until today.

Moreover, Mr. Michail Kefalogiannis, Economist, Advisor of the Minister of Transport & Communications, has been appointed Board Member in the Board of Directors of Athens International Airport S.A.

The General Assembly of Shareholders thanked warmly Professor Vaitsos for his valuable and decisive contribution throughout the 7 years of his tenure as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Airport Company.

The Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Athens International Airport S.A. approved today the financial statements, as well as the actions of the Board of Directors of the Airport Company during the fiscal year 2007.  Furthermore, the General Assembly approved the distribution of dividend to the shareholders, rising to the amount of € 90 million.