Athens International Airport - Athens International Airport is the first airport internationally to provide triple play services through WiMax
24 MAY 2006
Athens International Airport is the first airport internationally to provide triple play services through WiMax

Athens International Airport is taking full advantage of the latest technological evolution in the area of telecommunications and broadband services. AIA is the first airport internationally to develop combined triple play services through WiMax, the most sophisticated technology for long distance, high bandwidth wireless communication. The use of this technology advances the digital environment for users and enterprises operating through the Airport’s state-of-the-art infrastructure.

AIA, granted by the National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) a license for WiMAX pilot implementation for the region of Spata-Koropi, deployed three unities of applications depending on their use: personal, enterprise or as WiMAX hub.

More specifically, during a presentation held today at the Airport’s Retail Park, AIA’s Information Technology and Telecommunications Business Unit presented the following WiMAX applications:

  • Personal applications: Real-time transmission of high definition TV, voice and data, easy to manage and connect in excellent transmission rate (14Mbps)
  • Enterprise applications: Using WiMAX, AIA can deliver to corporations Data Centre Services, video-conference and other remote applications (ASP services)
  • WiMAX hub: AIA can provide a common infrastructure to multiple service providers (ISPs, WISPs) in order to serve their subscribers.

Referring to capabilities related to this new technology, AIA, Director, IT & Telecommunications Unit, Mr. Fotis Karonis, stated: “Athens International Airport actively participates and contributes to the dissemination of broadband networks and services in Greece. The introduction of new broadband wireless applications for personal or enterprise use in the airport and surrounding area creates a unique environment of innovation and upgrades the travelling experience.” “We are currently examining all possibilities created from the use of WiMAX and we evaluate applications and business opportunities”, Mr. Karonis added.