Athens International Airport - Airport Carbon Accreditation
14 FEBRUARY 2011
Airport Carbon Accreditation

15% reduction in carbon emissions during 2005-2009

Athens International Airport has achieved a 15% reduction in carbon emissions at its facilities - over 10,000 tonnes of CO2 - during the period 2005-2009, following the systematic implementation of a series of actions. Within the framework of Airport Carbon Accreditation, Athens International Airport was upgraded to Level 2 (Reduction), a level also recently reached by the airports in Brussels and Paris (CDG and Orly).

Athens International Airport, which actively contributed to the development of Airport Carbon Accreditation, is among the over 30 participating airports from 14 countries, representing 37% of Europe’s passenger traffic. ΑΙΑ continues its efforts against climate change, having already made significant progress towards the EU target of reducing carbon emissions by 20% by 2020.

AIA’s main initiatives, energy savings, and other actions against climate change are the following:

  • Reduction in electricity consumption by 6 million kilowatt-hours between 2005 and 2009, by implementing an energy-saving strategy and optimising the operation of its facilities
  • Total reduction of carbon emissions exceeding 10,000 tonnes, equivalent to planting over 1.5 million trees
  • Within the framework of its Building Management System, AIA has installed a measurement system recording energy consumption as well as energy-saving software aiming at the optimum operation of ventilation, cooling, heating, and lighting systems, and the reduction of electricity and natural gas consumption. In addition, the operation of a special heat recovery installation in the Main Terminal Building since 2009 has led to an annual reduction in the consumption of natural gas of 600,000 m3.
  • AIA’s commitment to saving energy has been rewarded by the EC programmes GreenLight (2004 - for the implementation of a series of energy-saving measures in buildings of a total surface of 196,000 m2) and GreenBuilding (2008 - for the improvement of the energy performance of building installations by reducing the energy consumption of air-conditioning, ventilation, and lighting systems).
  • Significant reduction in fuel consumption by AIA’s vehicle fleet through the conversion of 41 vehicles to run on LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and the replacement of older vehicles with new hybrid models
  • Planting and nature conservation programmes, such as the Vravrona Wetland Project (Natura 2000) including the clean-up of the area, the creation of walkways and the implementation of environmental educational programmes in cooperation with the Hellenic Ornithological Society.

Aiming to further reduce its annual carbon emissions, AIA is planning a range of additional measures to save energy and fuel, such as the modernization of equipment and the optimization of the operation of its energy systems.

The progress of airports participating in Airport Carbon Accreditation in relation to climate change and CO2 emissions is assessed by an independent organization in which representatives of ECAC, EUROCONTROL, and the European Commission participate.

The programme comprises 4 levels: Mapping - Reduction - Optimisation - Neutrality

More information can be found online at: