Page 8 - EUA Study 2013
P. 8
Benefits for the Greek Economy A. Transportation (Public transportation – suburban
The results of the study clearly demonstrate that railway, metro, buses, taxis – as well as private and
rented cars).
Athens International Airport contributes substantially B. Travelling services – travel agents.
The added value of those units amounts to € 49
to the socioeconomic growth of the country producing million. In terms of employment, 1,600 jobs were
at the national level an annual economic added value created in various transportation and travelling ser-
of € 5.1 billion which corresponds to 2.63% of vices related to airport’s operations.
the Greek GDP (reference year 2012). At the same Induced impacts – as a multiplier effect of the
time, operation of the airport has generated 99,987 direct and indirect activities of the airport - have
also contributed significantly to the growth of the
jobs at the national level. Greek economy. Specifically, economic added value
More specifically, in terms of direct impacts generat- increased by € 451 million which amounts to 0.23%
ed by the operations and activities conducted at the of the Greek GDP while a total number of 13,436
new jobs were created.
airport’s site, added value created amounts to € 1.95 The contribution of AIA to the increase of related
tourist figures is of particular importance. The fol-
billion corresponding to 1.01% of Greek GDP. In parallel, lowing infographic depicts the economic and social
growth generated by the airport in terms of the total
new jobs created on the airport totalled 13,160 persons.
Indirect impacts refer to output generated by firms
primarily off airport but whose activities are attribut-
able to the airport to a great extent. In particular, to
measure indirect impacts two main types of services
were considered:
of Athens Airport
on the Greek bn
ofGreek GDP
employment of Greece
Benefits for the Greek Economy A. Transportation (Public transportation – suburban
The results of the study clearly demonstrate that railway, metro, buses, taxis – as well as private and
rented cars).
Athens International Airport contributes substantially B. Travelling services – travel agents.
The added value of those units amounts to € 49
to the socioeconomic growth of the country producing million. In terms of employment, 1,600 jobs were
at the national level an annual economic added value created in various transportation and travelling ser-
of € 5.1 billion which corresponds to 2.63% of vices related to airport’s operations.
the Greek GDP (reference year 2012). At the same Induced impacts – as a multiplier effect of the
time, operation of the airport has generated 99,987 direct and indirect activities of the airport - have
also contributed significantly to the growth of the
jobs at the national level. Greek economy. Specifically, economic added value
More specifically, in terms of direct impacts generat- increased by € 451 million which amounts to 0.23%
ed by the operations and activities conducted at the of the Greek GDP while a total number of 13,436
new jobs were created.
airport’s site, added value created amounts to € 1.95 The contribution of AIA to the increase of related
tourist figures is of particular importance. The fol-
billion corresponding to 1.01% of Greek GDP. In parallel, lowing infographic depicts the economic and social
growth generated by the airport in terms of the total
new jobs created on the airport totalled 13,160 persons.
Indirect impacts refer to output generated by firms
primarily off airport but whose activities are attribut-
able to the airport to a great extent. In particular, to
measure indirect impacts two main types of services
were considered:
of Athens Airport
on the Greek bn
ofGreek GDP
employment of Greece