Page 3 - EUA Study 2013
P. 3
After more than 12 year of operation, Athens International Airport In the modern economic environment, airports are in-
remains one of the most important and sophisticated infrastructure creasingly considered as an important driver of socioeco-
works in Greece, with the shareholders – and the Greek State in par- nomic growth for both the national economy and the local
ticular - enjoying considerable financial benefits. However, beyond the communities in which they operate. Their contribution is not
shareholders’ financial value, there has been substantial contribution limited to the direct impacts generated by their operation,
by the airport community in job creation and economic development but instead spans much bigger benefits created for the lo-
both at a regional and at a national level. At the same time, through cal companies, the associated state entities and the wider
actions of corporate responsibility there have been significant ben- community that gain access to the generally high level of
efits from the operation of Athens International Airport in the fields services and products developed at the international airports.
of quality and safety of transport, environment, labour peace, etc.
In this context, the present study measures the total eco-
Despite the economic recession, the Airport Company remains a nomic impact of the Athens International Airport (AIA) to
healthy enterprise creating value to all stakeholders. In 2009, the the Greek economy and to the local economy of the region.
Airport Company requested from a scientific team from Athens By following the best international practices and methods,
University of Economics and Business to measure the value cre- the study presents and analyzes the economic results and
ated by the Athens airport to the Greek economy and to the local related indicators generated by the operation of Athens Air-
economy of the region. Since we consider that the value created by port and compares them with the corresponding impact of
Athens International Airport to the Greek economy and society at other international airports in Europe and the US. In this way,
large is enduring despite the current economic climate, we decided the present study aims to be a useful tool for measuring the
to request from the same scientific team to update the 2009 study. overall effectiveness and performance of the airport.
The updated study proves that despite the reduced output due to the The study uses a novel econometric input-output approach
economic situation, the airport remains a very important – perhaps to estimate the impacts from the airport’s operation and
the most important - hub of economic value added and job creation updates the results of a previous study undertaken in 2009
in the country. The airport’s contribution to job creation, tourism and by the same group of experts.
to the economic development of Greece but also of the Mesogheia
region is of greatest importance. At the same time, the relevant I want to thank AIA’s CEO, Dr. Yiannis Paraschis, for entrust-
comparison with other European airports is indisputably positive ing us with the execution of this study, as well as all of his
which demonstrates the successful implementation of the business associates who have provided us with the necessary data and
and operational model of Athens International Airport. their co-operation. I hope that the results obtained will be
of help to AIA, the local communities and the policy makers
The communication of this study to all interested parties and to in order to design effective policies on transportation issues
the financial, social and other stakeholders of the airport will help and overall socioeconomic development.
develop a common understanding of the overall economic and so-
cial value of Athens airport for Greece. Especially under the current Professor Gregory Prastacos
circumstances, where healthy business clusters are not abundant,
useful conclusions from Athens International Airport’s business model
could be extracted and used in the future planning of the transport
and infrastructure sectors.
Dr. Yiannis N. Paraschis
Chief Executive Officer
Athens International Airport S.A.
After more than 12 year of operation, Athens International Airport In the modern economic environment, airports are in-
remains one of the most important and sophisticated infrastructure creasingly considered as an important driver of socioeco-
works in Greece, with the shareholders – and the Greek State in par- nomic growth for both the national economy and the local
ticular - enjoying considerable financial benefits. However, beyond the communities in which they operate. Their contribution is not
shareholders’ financial value, there has been substantial contribution limited to the direct impacts generated by their operation,
by the airport community in job creation and economic development but instead spans much bigger benefits created for the lo-
both at a regional and at a national level. At the same time, through cal companies, the associated state entities and the wider
actions of corporate responsibility there have been significant ben- community that gain access to the generally high level of
efits from the operation of Athens International Airport in the fields services and products developed at the international airports.
of quality and safety of transport, environment, labour peace, etc.
In this context, the present study measures the total eco-
Despite the economic recession, the Airport Company remains a nomic impact of the Athens International Airport (AIA) to
healthy enterprise creating value to all stakeholders. In 2009, the the Greek economy and to the local economy of the region.
Airport Company requested from a scientific team from Athens By following the best international practices and methods,
University of Economics and Business to measure the value cre- the study presents and analyzes the economic results and
ated by the Athens airport to the Greek economy and to the local related indicators generated by the operation of Athens Air-
economy of the region. Since we consider that the value created by port and compares them with the corresponding impact of
Athens International Airport to the Greek economy and society at other international airports in Europe and the US. In this way,
large is enduring despite the current economic climate, we decided the present study aims to be a useful tool for measuring the
to request from the same scientific team to update the 2009 study. overall effectiveness and performance of the airport.
The updated study proves that despite the reduced output due to the The study uses a novel econometric input-output approach
economic situation, the airport remains a very important – perhaps to estimate the impacts from the airport’s operation and
the most important - hub of economic value added and job creation updates the results of a previous study undertaken in 2009
in the country. The airport’s contribution to job creation, tourism and by the same group of experts.
to the economic development of Greece but also of the Mesogheia
region is of greatest importance. At the same time, the relevant I want to thank AIA’s CEO, Dr. Yiannis Paraschis, for entrust-
comparison with other European airports is indisputably positive ing us with the execution of this study, as well as all of his
which demonstrates the successful implementation of the business associates who have provided us with the necessary data and
and operational model of Athens International Airport. their co-operation. I hope that the results obtained will be
of help to AIA, the local communities and the policy makers
The communication of this study to all interested parties and to in order to design effective policies on transportation issues
the financial, social and other stakeholders of the airport will help and overall socioeconomic development.
develop a common understanding of the overall economic and so-
cial value of Athens airport for Greece. Especially under the current Professor Gregory Prastacos
circumstances, where healthy business clusters are not abundant,
useful conclusions from Athens International Airport’s business model
could be extracted and used in the future planning of the transport
and infrastructure sectors.
Dr. Yiannis N. Paraschis
Chief Executive Officer
Athens International Airport S.A.