Page 9 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 9 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 9 Annual Report 2016

D uring 2016, the global air transport In total, in 2016, 13 different type of incentives, both for
industry continued to demonstrate a solid development and traffic performance were in effect.
performance despite the economic and These incentives were applied in a fully transparent and
political instability in many parts of the world. non-discriminatory manner and approximately 60% of the
Total European growth is attributed to EU airports that operating carriers took advantage of them.
showed a passenger rise of 6.7%, contrary to non-EU
airports that posted an average decline of -0.9%, largely The marketing support we offer to airlines was once more
affected by reduced traffic at Turkish airports and a appreciated in this year’s “Routes Europe” and “Routes
weak performance of Russian airports. For our airport, World” (held in Krakow, Poland and Chengdu, China,
2016, proved to be another essential milestone year, respectively). Routes Conferences are considered the
since not only has passenger traffic recorded an all-time largest airline and airport networking route development
high performance and enjoyed a strong rise, but it also forums in Europe and the world. Voted by the airlines
surpassed the 20 million passenger mark. This result may themselves, AIA was awarded as the winner in the
be attributed to a dynamic expansion of the international category of 4-20 million passengers in both events, thus
route network of the airport’s home based carriers and being the most awarded airport with 16 distinctions within
a successful performance of Greek and foreign visiting 13 years.
carriers, combined with strong passenger demand.
More specifically, despite the generally volatile market Regarding airport operations, AIA ensured smooth and
environment and the initial unfavourable indications for efficient operations throughout the year. As part of
incoming tourism, traffic dynamics of the second half of Operational Compliance and Development, all required
the year were strong for both international and domestic preventive and corrective measures were taken regarding
tourism, in line with the global industry trends. emergency planning and preparedness for developing and
maintaining a safe and resilient operating environment.
Reaching 20.02 million passengers, airport traffic
exceeded prior-year levels by 1.9 million, a significant Passenger satisfaction rating, also, improved and was kept
increase of 10.7%. Both domestic and international at high levels (4.26 on a 5-point scale), a very positive
passengers achieved record levels, reached 7.1 million and performance considering the significant traffic increase
12.9 million and demonstrated a strong growth by 11.2% and the extensive works in the terminal facilities.
and 10.4%, respectively, while flights amounted to 189.1
thousand and surpassed respective 2015 levels by 7.4%. Retail activities for consumers, being a contributor to
Three new airlines and ten new routes were added to our passenger satisfaction, include a wide spectrum of
airport’s network, while 18 Low Cost Carriers (LCC) offered high quality services ranging from shopping and dining
services to 59 cities worldwide. During the year, Athens to parking, landside and terminal services aiming at
was directly connected with scheduled services to 125 delivering a unique airport experience to both passengers
destinations (92 of which international) in 48 countries, and visitors while at the same time generating revenues
operated by a total of 60 carriers. for AIA.

Year 2016 was also a record year in terms of financial In the context of renovating and redesigning the Airport’s
performance. Overall, the Company recorded Profit Before security and commercial areas in order to enhance
Tax (PBT) of € 189.1 million. Given the additional short term passenger satisfaction and better accommodate traffic
financial obligations for the Airport Company arising from increase, a new large-scale project - the Intra Schengen
the recent positive developments in connection with the Project (ISP) - has been launched in the last four months
concession extension, a distribution of €40.5 million as of 2016. The ISP affected the entirety of the Intra-
dividend to its shareholders is proposed. Schengen area and a large part of the Departures All
Users area in terms of both aesthetics and functionality.
The company’s business model is based on a dynamic The project is estimated to be completed by May 2017
marketing strategy and incentives policy. The aeronautical and despite its considerable adverse impact during
marketing strategy encompasses comprehensive construction period, revenues of the Airport commercial
developmental and targeted programmes for airlines areas performed better than last year. The ISP includes
including incentives and marketing support packages and the centralised screening processor which was concluded
constitutes a cornerstone of AIA’s aeronautical business and successfully put into operation in December 2016,
model for healthy financial growth. In 2016 AIA maintained ahead of the holiday traffic peak, in accordance with
all charges unchanged without any increase for the eighth our schedule. The new concept enhances both the level
consecutive year. of security services and passenger experience. The
completion of the ISP project will mark the thorough
AIA’s incentives have stimulated passenger growth and had remodelling of the greatest part of the Departures Level
a positive EBITDA impact as witnessed by the conclusions commercial area introducing new quality brands and
of a study commissioned by the Airport Company to an presenting an enriched product portfolio fully aligned
expert international firm on the assessment of the traffic with the latest market trends, thus providing an upgraded
and financial impact of marketing incentives. shopping experience to all airport users.

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