Page 10 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 10 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 10
1 Joint Address by the Chairman and the CEO

Amidst the continuing Greek macroeconomic situation, We are proud to be among leading airports, not only as
AIA’s activities pertaining to real estate development a major economic engine but also through our reduced
and leases of offices and auxiliary space, succeeded in ecological footprint, thanks to the environmental
performing at 2014 and 2015 levels while in addition, they awareness and additional efforts of our colleagues and
improved in some business areas. At the same time, AIA partners across the airport community. From 2005
launched more digitalised, automated and personalised through 2015 our airport managed to drastically reduce
services for passengers, visitors, airlines, handlers and third its carbon footprint as a result of an effort throughout
party users, consistent to its strategy to further evolve the the years, to diminish energy consumption in its premises
experience that it delivers. through a number of actions and by investing in more
efficient equipment.
In addition, we concluded our contest “Digital Gate:
Airport Innovation Challenge – Transforming the Airport Our commitment for the reduction of carbon emissions
Environment”, in cooperation with the Athens University was verified anew in 2016 with a very important and
of Economics & Business with the support of its scientific honouring development: The Airport Company has offset
entities: the Athens Centre for Entrepreneurship and its remaining emissions to become the first carbon neutral
Innovation (ACEin) and the E-business Research airport company in Greece, the 25th in Europe and the
Center (ELTRUN), which resulted in five companies 28th airport in the world, leading to an Airport Carbon
implementing their ideas in the real airport environment Accreditation at Level 3+ (Neutrality) in the respective
with great success. A second round will run throughout programme of ACI. By achieving carbon neutrality, we
2017 encouraging digital innovation and young continue to tangibly demonstrate our commitment to the
entrepreneurship. fight against climate change.

Furthermore, wishing to substantially contribute to youth AIA’s environmental profile is further bolstered by the 8.05
employability in Greece, our company offered to 100 MWp Photovoltaic (PV) Park compensating for emissions
young people between 19 to 29 years old the opportunity of nearly 12,000 tonnes of CO2 per year with an expected
to work (internships) at the airport for a period up to six lifecycle of more than 20 years. Additionally, we are
months and provided them with the necessary working planning further energy and fuel saving measures, such as
experience and on-the-job training to support their future certification of our energy management system as per ISO
professional steps. The programme, “Airport Praxis II”, is 50001, continuous modernisation of the operational status
an extension of “Airport Praxis I” that was implemented in and optimisation of our energy systems.
2014 for 70 young people. The Airport Company’s working
environment has gained a high place in the industry, while During the last five years, not only have we invested in
AIA has been honoured as a business entity with numerous and have implemented innovative marketing efforts to our
international awards and distinctions. It is stressed that our airline & business partners and consumers, but we have
Company’s most valuable asset is its people. At the end of also extended our endeavours to actively support Athens
2016 our headcount was 604 employees with open-ended as a destination. Actions to reinforce Athens’ attractiveness
and 80 employees with fixed term contracts and academic have significantly contributed to the recovery of the city’s
educational background that reaches 80%; of them, 29.3% image and the increase of foreign tourists arriving to our
reside at the local communities, a percentage that reflects city. AIA has implemented a series of destination marketing
our close relationship with the Mesogeia community. targeted actions and initiatives by forging strong relations
and strategic co-operations and synergies with tourism
As regards our cultural impact, in 2016 numerous art organisations and associations (Association of Tourism
projects at our two temporary exhibition areas took place, Enterprises, Greek National Tourism Organisation, Ministry
in addition to the ongoing permanent exhibitions. Through of Tourism, Marketing Greece, etc.).
the very successful “Fly me to the Moon” programme which
runs every year and features renowned performers, AIA Within this context and as a part of the Destination
offered passengers a unique entertainment experience. Marketing initiatives undertaken for the promotion of
Athens, the Airport Company, in a strategic cooperation
At the same time, our concern with the challenges facing with Aegean Airlines, Marketing Greece & the Municipality
Greek society was translated into programmes of great of Athens introduced the Athens Tourism Partnership
value, such as financial contribution to the Prolepsis Project. This institutional cooperation resulted in an online/
Institute for ensuring proper nutrition for children of digital campaign for Athens, publicly announced during a
nearby schools. Of course, the company’s ties with press conference at the Athens City Hall in December 2016.
local society remained intact through implementation
of this year’s Community Engagement Plan. Important In addition, for the 4th year in a row we organised the
initiatives for 2016 included provision of financial rewards Airport Chief Executive’s’ Symposium (ACES-Athens)
to local schools for their participation in AIA’s Recycling in December 2016. This AIA initiative which takes place
Programme, similar rewards to top graduates of local high in Athens on an annual basis aims, on the one hand, to
schools admitted to Greek Universities and a programme highlight interdependence between airports and the
for raising awareness on water conservation issues that development of the destinations they serve; and, on the
was implemented to 13 local elementary schools. other, to introduce initiatives for strengthening Athens

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