Page 103 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 103 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 103 Annual Report 2016

• For the fiscal years 2014-2016, which corresponds to municipal charges of €9.7m, deferment of payment
has been granted. Pursuant to decisions of the Administrative Courts of Appeals the petitions for the
fiscal years 2014-2015 were fully upheld, thus rendering the imposition of municipal charges unlawful.
The hearing of the petition for the fiscal year 2016 took place at 2 February 2017 and the decision is still

The Municipality of Spata charged the Company with municipal charges for the provision for waste,
landscaping, cleanliness and lighting maintenance for the years 2007-2010 amounting in total to €8.6m.
The juridical process is still in progress before the Administrative Courts of Appeals as follows:
• For the fiscal year 2007, the respective imposition of charges has been annulled both by the

Administrative Court of Appeals and the General Secretary of Decentralized Administration of Attica.
• For the fiscal years 2008-2010, which corresponds to municipal charges of €6.5m, deferment of payment

has been provisionally granted by order of the competent judge of the Administrative Court of Athens
until the issuance of a Court Decision on the Company’s petition that took place at 6 April 2017 and the
decision is still pending. However, pursuant to decision no. 8889/7425/2014 of the General Secretary of
Decentralized Administration of Attica, the imposition of charges has already been annulled.

Based on the Company’s experts’ opinion by reference to the aforementioned decisions of the
Administrative Court of Appeals, no provision has been recognised for all above acts of determination.

There are a number of pending legal lawsuits against the Company amounting to approximately €4.9m
(2015: €4.9m) for which Management, following consultation with its Legal Counsel, believes that there is
sufficient ground to successfully defend these claims. No provision for these claims has been recognised in
these financial statements on the basis that no material liability is expected to arise.

5.30 Related parties transactions
Athens International Airport S.A. is a privately managed Company, having as major shareholders the Greek
State and AviAlliance Group, each one of them holding more than 20.0% of the shares as at 31 December

The Company during 2015 had undertaken related party transactions with a company controlled by its
current Private Shareholder, by receiving specific services. Furthermore, the Company provides either
aeronautical or non-aeronautical services to public sector controlled entities and at the same time, receives
services from public entities i.e. fire protection, medical etc. Also, in 2016, the Company had provided
specific services to a company controlled by its current Private Shareholder. The above goods/services/
works are based on corresponding market’s terms and conditions. The transactions with the Greek State
and the current Private Shareholder have as follows:

a) Sales of services and rental fees 2016 2015

Sales of services 13,490,392 13,321,586
5,254 0
Greek State
AviAlliance Group 13,495,646 13,321,586

b) Purchases of services 2016 2015

Purchases of services 5,637,566 5,584,841
0 16,772
Greek State
AviAlliance Group 5,637,566 5,601,613

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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