Page 61 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 61 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 61
Annual Report 2015

Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2015

Share Reserves Retained Total
Capital Earnings Equity

Balance as at 31 December 2013 300,000,000 47,055,491 65,266,022 412,321,512
Comprehensive income
Net pro t for the year 2014 0 0 91,815,231 91,815,231
Other comprehensive income 0 (2,008,240) 0 (2,008,240)
Total comprehensive income 0 (2,008,240) 89,806,991
Transactions with owners 91,815,231
Dividends distributed to the shareholders 0 0
Total transactions with owners 0 0 (65,100,000) (65,100,000)
Transfer to statutory reserves 0 4,590,762 (65,100,000) (65,100,000)
Balance as at 31 December 2014 300,000,000 49,638,013
Comprehensive income (4,590,762) 0
Net pro t for the year 2015 0 0 87,390,492 437,028,503
Other comprehensive income 0 295,786
Total comprehensive income 0 295,786 120,659,745 120,659,745
Transactions with owners 0 295,786
Dividends distributed to shareholders 0 0
Total transactions with owners 0 0 120,659,745 120,955,531
Transfer to statutory and other reserves 0 6,032,987
Balance as at 31 December 2015 300,000,000 55,966,786 (87,300,000) (87,300,000)
(87,300,000) (87,300,000)

(6,032,987) 0
114,717,249 470,684,034

The notes on pages 20 to 56 are an integral part of these nancial statements.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2015 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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