Page 9 - AEROSTAT 2023






Page 9 - AEROSTAT 2023
P. 9
Despite encountering signiicant challenges and enduring major luctuations caused by recent successive
crises such as the pandemic, volatile energy markets, and notable inlationary pressures, the Greek
economy appears to be steadily advancing through a robust recovery phase. This progress is contributing
to the resolution of numerous issues stemming from the decade-long debt crisis, thereby propelling the
economy towards greater stability. Against this turbulent backdrop, passenger traic at Athens Airport in
2023 surpassed 2019 levels traic by 10.2%, reaching a total of 28.17 million passengers.

The Airport recorded an 18.9% increase in domestic passengers compared to 2022 and a 13.3% rise
compared to 2019. International passenger numbers also surged, showing a 26.4% increase from 2022
and an 8.8% rise from 2019. Aircraft movements amounted to 241,605, marking a 13.2% increase from
2022 and a 7.1% rise from 2019, although rebounding at a slower pace than passenger demand. Both
domestic and international lights exceeded 2022 levels by 7.4% and 18.1%, respectively, and surpassed
2019 igures by 10.5% for domestic operations and 4.6% for international ones.

In 2023, a challenging year for global air cargo volumes, the Airport’s air cargo traic reached
approximately 94 thousand tonnes, declining by 7.4% compared to 2022 volumes and approaching the
levels of 2019.

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