Page 119 - AEROSTAT 2023






Page 119 - AEROSTAT 2023
P. 119
Incoming foreign visitors reached 7.1 million at Athens International Airport in 2023, surpassing the relevant 2019
traic and setting a new record. The vast majority travel to Greece for leisure and "visiting friends & relatives".

During 2023, Europe continued to be the main source of incoming travellers, but at a lower level than the previous
years. Arrivals from America continued to rise and held the second spot. Western Europe was the core region of
foreign visitors, while the largest originating country-markets of leisure traic were the United States, the United
Kingdom and Germany. Also, the lift of all travel restrictions enabled incoming traic from the Asia Paciic region
return to 2019 levels.

Almost 4 out of 10 passengers that reached Athens transferred to a domestic destination via Athens Airport, a
considerably higher share than both 2019 and 2022 (28% and 25% respectively). For passengers transferring
to other Greek destinations for leisure purposes, Santorini remained on top of the favourable spots, followed by
Mikonos and Paros, similar to 2022. Incoming visitors spent three days on average to visit the metropolitan city
and stayed in Greece 11 days on average.

The incoming business traic is gradually returning to the 2019 level, amounting to 91% of the 2019 traic in
2023. Business travellers originated mainly from European countries (with a noteworthy increased share of
Eastern European visitors) and staying in Athens for seven days on average. The increased share of incoming
business travellers during the irst quarter of the year (from 22% in 2019 and 2022 to 31% in 2023) is also worth

Greek residents seemed conident to travel again internationally, either for leisure or business, and reached 2.6
million passengers in 2023, 6% more than those in 2019. Italy, the United Kingdom and Cyprus were the favourite
international destinations for Greeks, with the average duration of their trip being 10 days for leisure and seven
days for business purposes.

Incoming Passenger Development

2023 2022 2019
7,072,820 % 2023
5,552,230 /2019
6,412,593 10%

6,500,153 % 2023
5,785,752 12%

572,667 % 2023
626,841 -9%
0 5,000,000 10,000,000

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